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Genre: Rock Style: Melodic Death
  1. Éphémère
  2. Übermensch
  3. 11th Commandment
  4. 13th Melody
  5. 1931
  6. 19Para
  7. 1KillEmbrace
  8. 2 Wolves
  9. 2nd Suicide
  10. 3 Mile Scream
  11. 5 Symbols
  12. 5RAND
  13. 6th Awakening
  14. 7 Horns 7 Eyes
  15. A Hill To Die Upon
  16. A Mourning Star
  17. A Soul Called Perdition
  18. A Worse Case Scenario
  19. Abaddon (ARG)
  20. Abdication
  21. Abinchova
  22. Abismo Eterno
  23. Ablaze In Hatred
  24. Ablaze My Sorrow
  25. Abrania
  26. Abrogation
  27. Absence (DEU)
  28. Absence (USA)
  29. Absence of the Sun
  30. Absenth
  31. Absentia (DEU)
  32. Absidia...In the Shadow
  33. Absolution Free
  34. Absurd (RUS)
  36. Accursed Years
  37. Acedia (USA)
  38. Acheronthia Styx
  39. Acicula
  40. Acidiun
  41. Acrid Semblance
  42. Acroma (ARG)
  43. Acromonia
  44. Across Silence
  45. Across The Rain
  46. Across The Shade
  47. Act Of Creation
  48. Act of Sin
  49. Ad Vitam (ITA)
  50. Adamah
  51. Adamon
  52. Adimiron
  53. Admire The Grim
  54. Adora (USA)
  55. Aduanten
  56. Advent Equation
  57. Advent Of Bedlam
  58. Adversary
  59. Aeolian
  60. Aeon Aethereal
  61. Aeon of Awareness
  62. Aeon Of Death
  63. Aeons Collapse
  64. Aeons Of Ashes
  65. Aephanemer
  66. Aeresis
  67. Aerith
  68. Aeronwen
  69. Aesmah
  70. Aesthetics Of Creation
  71. Aether (ARG)
  72. Aether (POL)
  73. Aether Realm
  74. Aetherevm
  75. Aetherial
  76. Aetherian
  77. Aetheric
  78. Aetherium Mors
  79. Aeveron
  80. Afflitus
  81. Afiqme
  82. After The Burial
  83. After The Eulogy
  84. Against I
  85. Against My Better Judgement
  86. Agamendon
  87. Age Of Ruin
  88. Age Of The Sun
  89. Aggro
  90. Aghori
  91. Agmen
  92. Agnicion
  93. Agnosys
  94. Agodea
  95. Agonica
  96. Agonist
  97. Agonize (BSN)
  98. Agonize (DEU)
  99. Agregator
  100. Aion-6
  101. Akaamelda
  102. Akando
  103. AkiaveL
  104. Akrea
  105. Aktaion
  106. Alchera (DEU)
  107. Aletheian
  108. Alfar
  109. Algol (ITA)
  110. Algol (USA)
  111. Algos
  112. Alibi For A Murder
  113. Alice Against The Wonderland
  114. Align the Tide
  115. All Hallow's Evil
  116. All That Remains
  117. All The Fury
  118. All Will Know
  119. Allegoria
  120. Almach
  121. Alphayn
  122. Alphoenix
  123. Altar Of I
  124. Alterbeast
  125. Alustrium
  126. Alyiria
  127. Alzhagoth
  128. Amakan
  129. Amaros
  130. Ambient Death
  131. Ambivalence (AUS)
  132. Amocualli
  133. Amon Amarth
  134. Among The Mortals
  135. Among Your Gods
  136. Amorgen
  137. Amorphis
  138. Amphitryon
  139. Amplified Memory
  140. Ampora
  141. Amsvartner
  142. An Astonishing End
  143. An Infinite Dream Sequence
  144. Anachronaeon
  145. Ancestors Revenge
  146. Anchoret
  147. Ancient Cosmos
  148. And Hell Followed With
  149. And Then There Were None
  150. Angelflayer
  151. Angels and Enemies
  152. Angelus Mortis
  153. AngelusLucifer
  154. Anger Cell
  155. Angst For The Memories
  156. Anima (Bol)
  157. Anima (MEX)
  158. Ankh (Hun)
  159. Anomos
  160. Anoreksi
  161. Another Dead Saint
  162. Another Dimension
  163. Another Perfect Day
  164. Another Side Of The Mirror
  165. Anselm
  166. Antagonist (USA)
  167. Antagony
  168. Antares (Svk)
  169. Anterior
  170. Antharia
  171. Antioch Antioxidant Accident
  172. Antiproduct
  173. Antithese
  174. Antithesis (COL)
  175. Anvil of Doom
  176. Aparia
  177. Apeiron (DEU, Hesse)
  178. Apeiron (ITA)
  179. Aphotic Layer
  180. Aphotica
  181. Apocryph
  182. Apocryphal (FRA)
  183. Apokrypha
  184. Apophis (AUS)
  185. Apostasy (USA)
  186. Apostisy
  187. Apparatus (NOR)
  188. Apparition (NLD)
  189. Apprentice
  190. Approach & The Execution
  191. Approaching Dawn
  192. Arae
  193. Aragonit
  194. Aravt
  195. Arawn
  196. Arayana
  197. Arbrynth
  198. Arcana Imperia
  199. Arcane Deception
  200. Arcane Grail