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Genre: Rock Style: Melodic Black
  1. 333DVL333
  2. 6th Counted Murder
  3. A Lie Nation
  4. Abbat Gibur
  5. Abigail Williams
  6. Abstract Void
  7. Admortem (USA)
  8. Ador Dorath
  9. Aduanten
  10. Aedra (USA)
  11. Aelgor
  12. Aeon Arcanum
  13. Aetheres
  14. Aethyrick
  15. Aeveron
  16. Against I
  17. Against The Plagues
  18. Ages (SWE)
  19. Aisling
  20. Akaamelda
  21. Akhkharu
  22. Al'Tyr
  23. Alchera (DEU)
  24. Alfahanne
  25. Algol (USA)
  26. Almach
  27. Alyiria
  28. Amenophis
  29. Ammyt
  30. Ancalagon (USA)
  31. Ancient (NOR)
  32. Ancient Flame (UKR)
  33. Ancient Malus
  34. Antim Grahan
  35. Apostasis
  36. Arbiter
  37. Arktotus
  38. Arrival (FIN)
  39. Ars Onirica
  40. Arzert
  41. Askheimr
  42. Astaroth Incarnate
  43. Astral Winter
  44. Astrum
  45. Atra Universum
  46. Atra Vetosus
  47. Attempt Of Deception
  48. Autumn Verses
  49. Autumnfall
  50. Avdagata
  51. Azazel (ISR)
  52. Aztaroth
  53. Baalstone
  54. Bane (SRB)
  55. Behind Them
  56. Belzebubs
  57. Berstuk
  58. Bitter Frost
  59. Black Dementia
  60. Black Omen
  61. Blackened Symphony
  62. Blasphemous
  63. Blazing Eternity
  64. Blindherd
  65. Bloodcross
  66. Bloodraven
  67. Bloody Tyrant
  68. Bloody Valkyria
  69. Briargh
  70. Brudywr
  71. Brunanburh
  72. Burning Darkness (SWE)
  73. Cardinal Sin (SWE)
  74. Carnarium
  75. Catamenia
  76. Cavandish
  77. Chaedrist
  78. Chris Straub
  79. ChthoniC
  80. Citadel (USA)
  81. Contaminant (DEU, Bayern)
  82. Covenant (NOR)
  83. Crescent Lament
  84. Crow Black Sky
  85. Cryptic Wintermoon
  86. Curse Upon A Prayer
  87. Dödsrit
  88. Daemusinem
  89. Damned Spirits' Dance
  90. Daniel Lioneye
  91. Darcasis
  92. Dark Doom
  93. Dark Fortress (DEU, Landshut)
  94. Dark Portrait
  95. Darklaid
  96. Darkmage
  97. Dead Beginners
  98. Death Comes In Waves
  99. Deduction Of A Miscalculation
  100. Def/Light
  101. Defilade
  102. Demise (POL)
  103. Deschain
  104. Desdemonia
  105. Desiderium
  106. Deva Noctua Entropia
  107. Devilment
  108. Dioivo
  109. Disguise
  110. Dispatched
  111. Djinn Of Thujone
  112. Draconic
  113. Drakhian
  114. Drang
  115. Dusk and Darkness
  116. Dyrathor
  117. Eallic
  118. Eckermann, Bryan
  119. Ecliptic
  120. Ekho
  121. Elderdawn
  122. Elysian Fields (GRC)
  123. Emerald Night
  124. Endless (FRA)
  125. Endless Rebirth
  126. Enochian (Gre)
  127. Eosphorus
  128. Epoch Crysis
  129. Eres Nod
  130. Eridu
  131. Erimha
  132. Eshtadur
  133. Eternal Silence (NOR)
  134. Eternal Wisdom
  135. Ethelyn
  136. Ethereal Shade
  137. Evighet Av Aske
  138. Ex Nihilo
  139. Extinct Gods
  140. Eyecult
  141. Eyoth
  142. False Reality
  143. Far Beyond
  144. Farrore
  145. Fatal Embrace (SWE)
  146. Fausttophel
  147. Ferndal
  148. First Dawn
  149. Fjorsvartnir
  150. Flamen
  151. Fogland
  152. Forbidden Alchemy
  153. Framferd
  154. Frozen Mist
  155. Gaarmr
  156. Gates of Chaos
  157. Gates To The Abyss
  158. Giant Deathsnake
  159. Gloria Morti
  160. Glorious Night
  161. Goat Prayers
  162. Gon
  163. Gorbalrog
  164. Grafvitnir
  165. Granitader
  166. Graveworm
  167. Groza (DEU)
  168. Groza (TUR)
  169. Grymauren
  170. Gyves
  171. Hades Rising
  172. Hailstone
  173. Haimad
  174. Hallbar
  175. Halls Of Mourning
  176. Heathen Heretic
  177. Hecate (FRA)
  178. Hecate (SVK)
  179. Hecate Enthroned
  180. Hedon
  181. Hegerøth
  182. Helvpoemr
  183. Heretic (ESP)
  184. HexenHammer's Flame
  185. Hexenmeister
  186. Hope Behind The Hills
  187. Hostile Monarch
  188. Hyperion (SWE)
  189. Hyperions Fall
  190. Hypocrite
  191. ICS Vortex
  192. Illidiance
  193. Illusionary Funeral
  194. Illvilja (SWE, Hunnebostrand)
  195. In My Embrace
  196. In The Burial
  197. In-Sight
  198. Inexorum
  199. Infected (TUR)
  200. Infernal Angels