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Genre: Rock Style: Doom Metal
  1. Malevolence (PRT)
  2. Maligno
  3. Malinconia
  4. Malsten
  5. Mamiffer
  6. Mammatus
  7. Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard
  8. Mammuth (NOR)
  9. Man Of The Hour
  10. Mandibulla
  11. Mane Of The Cur
  12. Mania (USA, OR)
  13. Manlord
  14. Manngard
  15. Mansion
  16. Mantar
  17. Mar De Grises
  18. Mara (SWE)
  19. Marchafunebre
  20. Marche Funebre
  21. Mare Infinitum
  22. Margarita Witch Cult
  23. Marianas Rest
  24. Marja Uldine
  25. Marrowfields
  26. Mary Bell
  27. Masakari
  28. Mask (CHE)
  29. Mass (CAN)
  30. Massive Thunderfuck
  31. Master Charger
  32. Mathusalem (FRA)
  33. Matravian
  34. Matriarch (USA)
  35. Matt John
  36. Maudlin Of The Well
  37. MAXD
  38. Maze Of Feelings
  39. MDXX
  40. Meatjack
  41. Medea
  42. Megalith Levitation
  43. Megalith Temple
  44. Megasus
  45. Megatherium
  46. Megaton Leviathan
  47. Melancholic Orchestra
  48. Melem
  49. Melissa (CZE)
  50. Melissa (RUS)
  51. Melvins
  52. Memento Mori (SWE)
  53. Memorium
  54. Memory Driven
  55. Memory Garden
  56. Men In Search Of The Perfect Weapon
  57. Menace Ruine
  58. Mendozza
  59. Mental Home
  60. Mepharis
  61. Mephistofeles
  62. Merchant
  63. Merlin (USA)
  64. Messa
  65. Messial
  66. Meth Drinker
  67. Methadrone
  68. Methylhate
  69. Michael Crafter
  70. Middian
  71. Midgard (BRA)
  72. Midnight Ghost Train
  73. Midryasi
  74. Might Could (USA, Virginia)
  75. Mike Kunka
  76. Milfist Kadawa
  77. Mind Mold
  78. Mindcrawler
  79. Mindrot (USA)
  80. Minotaur Head
  81. Minotauri
  82. Minsk
  83. Mirror Of Deception
  84. Misanthrofeel
  85. Misanthrope Project
  86. Misery (CHE)
  87. Misery Loves Co.
  88. Misery Machine (USA)
  89. Misery's Omen
  90. Mist (Svn)
  91. Mistreater
  92. Mistress (GBR)
  93. Mizmor
  94. MMXX
  95. Moab
  96. Mobius (SVK)
  97. Moder
  98. Moguera
  99. Molasses Barge
  100. Moloch (GBR)
  101. Molot Vedim
  102. Monarch (FRA)
  103. Monarch Phenomenon
  104. Monasterium (BRA)
  105. Monasterium (POL)
  106. Mondrian Oak
  107. Monkeypriest
  108. Monoatomic God
  109. Monobrow
  110. Monolith (DEU, Bremen)
  111. Monolithian
  112. Monoliths
  113. Monolord
  114. Monomad
  115. Monumentum
  116. Monumentum Damnati
  117. Mood
  118. MoodDoom
  119. Moon Bog
  120. Moon Curse
  121. Moon Mistress
  122. Moon Of Sorrow
  123. Moon Wizard
  124. Moonless
  125. Moor (DEU, Hamburg)
  126. Morast
  127. Morbit
  128. Morcrof
  129. Morgain
  130. Morgion
  131. Moribundo
  132. Morkheim
  133. Morningside
  134. Moros
  135. Morphia
  136. Morrigu (CHE)
  137. Mors Liturgiae
  138. Mortalicum
  139. Mortalium
  140. Morte (ARG)
  141. Mortiferum
  142. Morto Festy
  143. Mortuary (UKR)
  144. Mosara
  145. Mose
  146. Moss (GBR, Southampton)
  147. Mostly Autumn
  148. Mother Of Graves
  149. Mother Witch & Dead Water Ghosts
  150. MotherSloth
  151. Motherslug
  152. Mothertrucker
  153. Motorowl
  154. Mouflon
  155. Mound
  156. Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation
  157. Mountain Goat
  158. Mountain God
  159. Mountain Of Judgement
  160. Mountain Witch
  161. Mountainwolf
  162. Mourn (GBR, London)
  163. Mourn the Light
  164. Mournful Gust
  165. Mourning Beloveth
  166. Mourning Lenore
  167. Mourning Of The Heretic
  168. Mourning Sun (CHL)
  169. Mozergush
  170. Mr. Foxx
  171. Mudslinger
  172. Muhr (NLD)
  173. Murder Castle
  174. Muscle & Marrow
  175. Music Distroyer
  176. My Dying Bride
  177. My Garden
  178. My Indifference To Silence
  179. My Lament
  180. My Personal Murderer
  181. My Shameful
  182. Myelin Sheath
  183. Myopic Empire
  184. Myraeth
  185. Myridian
  186. Mystic Charm
  187. Mystical Gate
  188. Mythic
  189. Mythological Cold Towers
  190. Mythopoeia
  191. Naam
  192. Naat
  193. Nachtterror
  194. Nadddir
  195. Nadir (GBR, Nottingham)
  196. Nadja
  197. Naevus (DEU)
  198. Naga
  199. Nagaarum
  200. Nahrayan