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Genre: Rock Style: Technical Death
  1. Інкрустатор
  2. 7 H.Target
  3. 7th Child
  4. 7th Nemesis
  5. A Descent In Graves
  6. A Night In The Abyss
  7. A Plague In Faith
  8. A Taste Of Fear
  9. Aabsinthe
  10. Aatheriexa
  11. Abattoir (USA, GO)
  12. Aberrated
  13. Abhorrent
  14. Abiotic
  15. Abnormality
  16. Abriosis
  17. Absinthebolik
  18. Absorbed (ESP)
  19. Absurd Conflict
  21. Acausal Intrusion
  22. Achokarlos
  23. Ackros
  24. Acrania (MEX)
  25. Acromatica
  26. Ad Nauseam
  27. Aeon Of Horus
  28. Aeons
  29. Aethere (USA)
  30. After Oblivion
  31. Afterbirth (USA)
  32. Afterbleeding
  33. Ageless Oblivion
  34. Agony Face
  35. Agoron
  36. Ahtme
  37. Akaname
  38. Alchemist (AUS)
  39. Algetic
  40. Alienation Mental
  41. All Misery
  42. All Shall Perish
  43. All Tomorrows
  44. Allegaeon
  45. Allseeing I
  46. Alluvial
  47. Alter Idem
  48. Alterbeast
  49. Ambivalence (UKR)
  50. Amentia
  51. Amoral
  52. An Isle Ate Her
  53. Anaal Nathrakh
  54. Anachronism
  55. Anacryptic
  56. Anal Oder Nicht Sein
  57. Anal Pus
  58. Anata
  59. Ancestral Curse
  60. And The Kingdom Fell
  61. ANLMA
  62. Anomalous
  63. Antithesis (IDN)
  64. Aparia
  65. Apep
  66. Apophys
  67. Apostate (GBR)
  68. Apotheon
  69. Ara
  70. Arborescence Of Wrath
  71. Archspire
  72. Arghoslent
  73. Arhideus
  74. Arise From Worms
  75. Arkaik
  76. Aronious
  77. Arsis
  78. Artificial Brain
  79. Aruna Azura
  80. As The Monster Becomes
  81. Ascariasis
  82. Ashes Of Moments Perished
  83. Asphyxiophilia
  84. Asylum (USA, TX)
  85. Athanatos
  86. Atheist
  87. Atheretic
  88. Atrae Bilis
  89. Atria (IRN)
  90. Atrocity (DEU)
  91. Atrophia Red Sun
  92. Atrophy (FRA)
  93. Auberon
  94. Augmented (USA, FL)
  95. Australis
  96. Averna
  97. Aversions Crown
  98. Aydra
  99. Ayestas, Juan
  100. Ayin (BRA)
  101. Back Door To Asylum
  102. Banisher
  103. Baring Teeth
  104. Barus
  105. Beast Of NOD
  106. Bedlam Of Cacophony
  107. Beheading Machine
  108. Belial (GBR)
  109. Believer
  110. Belphegor
  111. Beneath The Massacre
  112. Benighted (FRA)
  113. Beyond Creation
  114. Beyond the Structure
  115. Bicaa'Lu
  116. Binary Code
  117. Biolich
  118. Biomechanical
  119. Bioplasma
  120. Bisector
  121. Black Crown Initiate
  122. Blade Of Horus
  123. Blame (UKR)
  124. Blindfolded and Led to the Woods
  125. Bloodgush
  126. Bloodrainbow
  127. Bound By Exile
  128. Boy Will Drown
  129. Brain Collapse
  130. Brainteasers
  131. Brazen Bull
  132. Breathe Knives
  133. Breeding Filth
  134. Breeding Flith
  135. Brilliant Coldness
  136. Brumous
  137. Bryan Dilionnis
  138. Bugs Live In My Bed
  139. Buicide
  140. Burial In The Sky
  141. Burning At The Stake
  142. Burning Inside (USA)
  143. C-187
  144. Caecus
  145. Canyon Literature
  146. Capharnaum
  147. Carcariass
  148. Carnac (TUR)
  149. Carnage Of Children
  150. Carnality
  151. Catharsis (POL)
  152. Cathexis
  153. Celestial Bifurcation
  154. Celestial Scourge
  155. Cenotaph (TUR)
  156. Centaurus-A
  157. Cephalic Carnage
  158. Cerebral Secretion
  159. Cerebric Turmoil
  160. Cerebrum
  161. Chainsaw (MEX)
  162. Chaos Catharsis
  163. Chemical Breath
  164. Chronological Injustice
  165. Chuck Schuldiner
  166. Circle Spectre Haunting
  167. Circuit of Suns
  168. Clampdown
  169. Club Murder
  170. Cognitive
  171. Cognitive Dissonance
  172. Concealment
  173. Condemned To Conspiracy
  174. Conjureth
  175. Conquering Dystopia
  176. Continuo Renacer
  177. Coram Lethe
  178. Corps-Sans-Organes
  179. Corpse Garden
  180. Corpulate
  181. Cortexiphan
  182. Cranial Contamination
  183. Crater (USA, IW)
  184. Creinium
  185. Crimson Butchery
  186. Cromm Cruac
  187. Crypteria
  188. Cryptic Shift
  189. Cryptic Warning
  190. Cryptopsy
  191. Culminated
  192. Cyaegha
  193. Cyclic Enigma
  194. Cynic
  195. Cytotoxin
  196. Daemogog
  197. DaggerSpawn
  198. Dammercide
  199. Damnation Defaced
  200. Dance Club Massacre