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Genre: Rock Style: Stoner Rock
  1. Soom
  2. Soon (USA)
  3. Soponcio
  4. Soulbreaker Company
  5. Souldiggers Band
  6. Sound Of Ground
  7. Sound Of Origin
  8. Soundarcade
  9. SoundBound
  10. Soundcrawler
  11. Sourvein
  12. Southell
  13. Southern Badass
  14. Souvenirs Young America
  15. Space Huns
  16. Space Paranoids
  17. Space Satan
  18. Space Slavery
  19. Space Wax
  20. Spaceking
  21. Spacemetal
  22. Spaceslug
  23. Sparzanza
  24. Speedbird
  25. Speedblow
  26. Speedfreaks
  27. Spelljammer
  28. Spice and The RJ Band
  29. Spider Goat Canyon
  30. Spider Kitten
  31. Spine Chilling Breeze
  32. Spiral (USA)
  33. Spirit Caravan
  34. Spirits Of The Dead
  35. Spiritual Beggars
  36. Splendidula
  37. Spoilers
  38. Stöner
  39. Stallone
  40. Stangala
  41. Starburner
  42. Starchild
  43. Stardrive
  44. Starified
  45. Starmonger
  46. Stash (ISR)
  47. Steel Mammoth
  48. Steinsopp
  49. Stereozone
  50. Stevie To The Noise
  51. Stilk
  52. Stillhouse
  53. Stomach
  54. Stone Animals
  55. Stone Axe
  56. Stone Cold Boys
  57. Stone Cold Fiction
  58. Stone Deaf
  59. Stone From The Sky
  60. Stone Garage
  61. Stone House On Fire
  62. Stone in Egypt
  63. Stone Keys
  64. Stone Kings
  65. Stone Machine Electric
  66. Stone Oak Cosmonaut
  67. Stone Rebel
  68. Stone Revel
  69. Stone Soul Foundation
  70. Stone Wedge
  71. Stonebride
  72. Stonebringer
  73. Stoned Apes
  74. Stoned Jesus
  75. Stoned Karma
  76. Stoned Mages
  77. Stoned Morose
  78. Stoned Mother
  79. StoneDaze
  80. Stonefield (AUS)
  81. Stonefront
  82. Stonegard
  83. Stonehead
  84. Stonehelm
  85. Stonehenge (DEU)
  86. Stoner Kebab
  87. Stoner Kings
  88. Stoner Train
  89. Stonerror
  90. Stones Of Arkham
  91. Stonesupreme
  92. Stonila
  93. Stormbringer (Gbr)
  94. StormToker
  95. Strago
  96. Stranger In My Town
  97. Stratus Nimbus
  98. Struggle With God
  99. Sturp
  100. SubRosa
  101. Suicide Cult
  102. Sulfur Giant
  103. Sulphur Dreams
  104. Suma
  105. Summoner (USA)
  106. Sumokem
  107. Sun & Sail Club
  108. Sun Drifter
  109. Sun Eater (USA)
  110. Sun Voyager
  111. Sunczar
  112. Sunday Fury
  113. Sundrifter
  114. Sunface (NOR)
  115. Sunface (USA)
  116. Sungod
  117. Sungrazer
  118. Sungrinder
  119. SUNN O)))
  120. Sunnata
  121. Sunride
  122. Suns Fury
  123. Sunstone
  124. Supa Scoopa
  125. Supafuzz
  126. Supasonic Fuzz
  127. Super Snake
  128. Supercabra
  129. Superchief
  130. Supergiant
  131. SuperHeavyGoatAss
  132. Supermachine
  133. Supernaughty
  134. SuperSleep
  135. Supersonic Dragon Wagon
  136. Supersoul
  137. Supervoid
  138. Suplecs
  139. Surreal Faces Group
  140. Svolk
  141. Svuco
  142. Swamp Devil
  143. Swamp Donkey
  144. Swamp Ritual
  145. Swan Valley Heights
  146. Swanmay
  147. Sweaty Mammoth
  148. Swedish Death Candy
  149. Sweet Cobra
  150. Switchblade Jesus
  151. Sword (USA)
  152. Symphony Of Sorrow
  153. Syndrom (Nor)
  154. T.G. Olson
  155. T.H.U.M.B.
  156. Talbot
  157. Taliandorogd
  158. Taman Shud
  159. Tank 86
  160. Tank Destroyer
  161. TankZilla
  162. TarLung
  163. Tears Of The Wizard
  164. Tekilahell
  165. Telekinetic Yeti
  166. Telestrion
  167. Temple Of Lies
  168. Temptations Wings
  169. Tempter
  170. Ten Foot Wizard
  171. Ten Page Pilot
  172. Tenrai
  173. Terminus (USA, AR)
  174. Terra Contra
  175. Terra Firma
  176. Teverts
  177. Thalamus
  178. The Dead End Alley Band
  179. The Devil's Cabana Boiz
  180. The Great Gray Funk
  181. The Hanged Man & The Moon
  182. The Infamists
  183. The Kryss Talmeth Experience
  184. The Sarto Klyn V
  185. The Tormentos
  186. The Tower
  187. Thebuckle
  188. Them Bulls
  189. Them Crooked Vultures
  190. Thermionics
  191. These Beasts
  192. They Watch Us From The Moon
  193. Thieves By The Code
  194. Thinning The Herd
  195. Thirst Planet
  196. Thorr-Axe
  197. Threefold Law
  198. Throneless
  199. Throttlerod
  200. Thunderbird Divine