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Genre: Rock Style: Deathcore/Brutal Death
  1. $lutrot
  2. Éphémère
  3. 10 to the Chest
  4. 1945 (USA)
  5. 2 The Gallows
  6. 2012 (USA, ON)
  7. 3rd Key
  8. 4 Stories Deep
  9. 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses
  10. 5th Of November
  11. 6 Weapons
  12. 7 H.Target
  13. A .12 Gauge Tragedy
  14. A Breed Unknown
  15. A Day Of Violence
  16. A Day To Drink
  17. A Descent In Graves
  18. A Ghost
  19. A Heritage Of Vergil
  20. A Human Costume
  21. A Legacy Unwritten
  22. A Memoria Brooded
  23. A Night In The Abyss
  24. Aatheriexa
  25. Abandoned Elysium
  26. Abandoned Grave
  27. Abandonment
  28. Abated Mass Of Flesh
  29. Abdicate
  30. Abditory
  31. Aberration Within Arcadia
  32. Abhorration
  33. Abhorred Despiser
  34. Abhorrent
  35. Abhorrent Deformity
  36. Abnormal
  37. Abnormal Inhumane
  38. Abnormality
  39. Abnormity
  40. AbnormyNdeffect
  41. Abolishment
  42. Abominable Putridity
  43. Abominate
  44. Abomination Impurity
  45. Aboroth
  46. Aborted
  47. Aborted Fetus
  48. About A Plane Crash
  49. Above The Abyss
  50. Above This
  51. Abrasive
  52. Abriosis
  53. Abruptness
  54. Absemia
  55. Absolute Defiance
  56. Absolution (AUS)
  57. Abstract Reason
  58. Absurdity
  59. Abysmal Torment
  60. Abyss Above
  61. Abyss Of Insanity
  62. Abyss Walker
  63. Accursed Kingdom
  64. Aceldama (CRI)
  65. Acrania (GBR)
  66. Acranius
  67. Act Of Violence (USA)
  68. Ad Vitam Infernal
  69. Adelaide (USA, TN)
  70. Admirality
  71. Advocate (USA, Tulsa)
  72. Aegaeon
  73. Aeons of Corruption
  74. Aethere (USA)
  75. Afterbirth (USA)
  76. Against The Tide
  77. Age Of Unrest
  78. Agonal Breathing
  79. Agoraphobic Nosebleed
  80. Agoron
  81. Ailment
  82. Alaskan (USA)
  83. Albert The Cannibal
  84. Alert
  85. Algetic
  86. Alice Against The Wonderland
  87. Alice Through The Windshield Glass
  88. Alienation Mental
  89. Alighieri
  90. Alkymia
  91. All Dead Saints
  92. All Have Sinned
  93. All Misery
  94. All The Way To The Bank
  95. Allatus Adeo
  96. Allguilty
  97. Allies To The Adversary
  98. Alluvial
  99. Alone In The Morgue
  100. Alpha Wolf
  101. Altar of Despair
  102. Alter Idem
  103. Altered Perceptions
  104. Ambivalence (UKR)
  105. Ambrazura
  106. Amecca
  107. Amenaza De Muerte
  108. Amentia
  109. American Cutthroat
  110. Amethyste
  111. Amid The Barren And Lost
  112. Amoebic Dysentery
  113. Amon (CZE)
  114. Among Ruins
  115. Among The Decayed
  116. Among The Devoured
  117. Amongst The Deceit
  118. Amputation Spree
  119. An Argency
  120. Anacryptic
  121. Anal Bleeding
  122. Anal Phobia
  123. Anal Puff
  124. Analdicktion
  125. Analepsy
  126. Anamnesis
  127. Anatomy Of A Creation
  128. Ancient Burials
  129. Ancient Funeral Cult
  130. Ancients (USA)
  131. And Came Back Brutal
  132. And The Kingdom Fell
  133. Andrew Hussie Boogaloo
  134. Angel's Arcana
  135. AngelMaker
  136. Anhedonia (USA)
  137. Anima (DEU)
  138. Anima Effect
  139. Animals Killing People
  140. Animus (USA, CA)
  141. Anity
  142. Anmod
  143. Annihilated
  144. Annotations Of An Autopsy
  145. Antagony (USA)
  146. Anthropophagus Depravity
  147. Antipop
  148. Antraks
  149. Antropofago
  150. Antropofagus
  151. Apate
  152. Apathy (USA, CA)
  153. APES
  154. Aphorist
  155. Aphotic (GBR)
  156. Apollyon (USA, TX)
  157. Apoptosis Gutrectomy
  158. Aposepsy
  159. Apostles Of Perversion
  160. Apparitions (USA, AZ)
  161. Applaud The Impaler
  162. Aquila (DEU)
  163. ARA KRA
  164. Arachnoia
  165. Arayana
  166. Arbiter (USA)
  167. Arbiter Of Conceit
  168. Arborescence Of Wrath
  169. Archagathus
  170. Archaic Epidemic
  171. Architect Of Dissonance
  172. Architectural Genocide
  173. Architype
  174. Archspire
  175. ArcticSlaughter
  176. Ardra
  177. Are You God?
  178. Argent Dawn
  179. Arise From Ashes
  180. Arise Horror
  181. Arise The Titan
  182. Arisens
  183. Aristeia
  184. Ark Of The Covenant
  185. Armorial
  186. Arranged Chaos
  187. Arreat Summit
  188. Arsebreed
  189. Arsonist
  190. Art 238
  191. Art Mallet
  192. Art of Attrition
  193. Arterial Hemorrhage
  194. Artery Eruption
  195. As God Is My Witness
  196. As Judgement Day Approaches
  197. As Karma Brings
  198. As Legend Has It
  199. As she dies
  200. As The Kingdom Falls