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Genre: Rock Style: Adult Oriented Rock (AOR)/Melodic Rock
  1. 11 7 3
  2. 1886
  3. 23 Acez
  4. 24K
  5. 38 Special
  6. 4 Sale
  7. 7th Planet
  8. 8-IS
  9. 91 Suite
  10. A Bad Think
  11. A Perfect Day (ITA)
  12. A Rising Force
  13. A-Z
  14. A.C.T.
  15. ABO
  16. About Us
  17. Acacia Avenue
  18. Aces Wild
  19. Aches & Trains
  20. Addicted (CHE)
  21. Adellaide
  22. Adrenaline Rush
  23. Adrian Benegas
  24. Adriangale
  25. After Hours
  26. After Us All
  27. Afterglow Radio
  28. Again
  29. Age Sten Nilsen
  30. Ailafar
  31. Airless
  32. Airrace
  33. Aka Lance
  34. Alan Sehorn Alliance
  35. Alarm
  36. Alcabean
  37. Alex Formosa Baudo
  38. Alfee
  39. Alias (USA)
  40. Alicate
  41. Alice, Judith
  42. Alien (SWE)
  43. All 41
  44. Allied Nation
  45. Alvah Heidenreich
  46. Am I Dead Yet?
  47. Amaze Me
  48. Ambition (USA, IL)
  49. Ambrosia
  50. American Gel
  51. American Tears
  52. Ammunition
  53. Amorath
  54. Amphetame
  55. Andersen - Laine - Readman
  56. Andy Rock
  57. Angeles
  58. Angelica (CAN)
  59. Angeline
  60. Angels
  61. Angels Or Kings
  62. Anna & The Virulents
  63. Annellsson, Hans
  64. Antigua
  65. Anvil Choir
  66. AOR
  67. April Fool
  68. Arc Angel
  69. Arc Of Life
  70. Archer (USA, MD)
  71. Aries (ITA)
  72. Arkado
  73. ArneL
  74. Arnel Pineda
  75. Arrezt
  76. Arrival (USA)
  77. Arrow Haze
  78. Art Nation
  79. Arti Tisi
  80. Artificial Agent
  81. Aspen Creek
  82. At Eaze
  83. Atlantic
  84. Atlantis Airport
  85. Atlantis Drive
  86. Atom Stone
  87. Audio Porn
  88. Auras (BRA)
  89. Autumn's Child
  90. Availian
  91. Avalanche (DEU)
  92. Avalon (USA)
  93. Avantgarde
  94. AvantGardeDog
  95. Avenue X
  96. Averlanche
  97. Aviary
  98. Awake By Design
  99. B.I.O.S.
  100. Bad English
  101. Bad Habit
  102. Bad Radiator
  103. Bad Romance
  104. Bai Bang
  105. Bakelite Radio
  106. Baker, Howard
  107. Bam Bam Boys
  108. Bambi
  109. BANDX
  110. Bangalore Choir
  111. Barakade
  112. Barefaced Liar
  113. Barracuda
  114. Barrage
  115. Batten Down The Hatches
  116. Bayman, Dion
  117. Beatfish
  118. Beautiful Beast (DEU)
  119. Beckett (GBR)
  120. Beggar's Jam
  121. Bell, Philip
  122. Bellevue Suite
  123. Bendher
  124. Bickley, Chris
  125. Big Bad Wolf (USA)
  126. Big Blue Sun
  127. Big Chill
  128. Big City
  129. Big Deal (DEU)
  130. Big East
  131. Big Guns (GBR)
  132. Big Guns (IRL)
  133. Big Life (GBR)
  134. Billy Rankin
  135. Billy Satellite
  136. Biloxi
  137. Bitch's Brue
  138. Bite The Bullet (GBR)
  139. Black Eye
  140. Black Hole Sun
  141. Black Marbles
  142. Black Rose (DEU)
  143. Black Sand
  144. Black Star Furies
  145. Black Star Riders
  146. Black Sunshine
  147. Black Tiger
  148. Blackwater (Gbr)
  149. Blanc Faces
  150. Blind Revolution
  151. Blood Red Saints
  152. Blue Ambition
  153. Blue Cow Kent
  154. Blue Tears
  155. Bluerose
  156. Bluesmates
  157. Bobby Friss
  158. Bobby Kimball
  159. Bobby Trap (GRC)
  160. Body Electric
  161. Boheme
  162. Bon Jovi
  163. Bone Prophet
  164. Bonrud
  165. Boo Devils
  166. Bootcamp
  167. Bouchard, Joe
  168. Boulevard
  169. Boyscout
  170. Braithwaite, Daryl
  171. Brander, Peter
  172. Brave (USA)
  173. Brett Walker
  174. Brian Andrew Marek
  175. Brian Drux Project
  176. Bridger
  177. Bring The Sun
  178. Broach
  179. Broke 'N' Blue
  180. Broken Ones
  181. Broken Silence (USA)
  182. Broken Silence (USA, HI)
  183. Brond
  184. Brother Brother
  185. Bryan Adams
  186. Buffalo (AUS)
  187. Buford Pope
  188. Bugsy Malone
  189. Bugzy
  190. Bullet Train Blast
  191. Burns Blue
  192. Burns Sisters
  193. BY Effect
  194. Cage The Gods
  195. Caleb Johnson
  196. Calise, Alexx
  197. Cameltoe
  198. Camera Can't Lie
  199. Candlelight Red
  200. Capricorn (SWE)