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Genre: Folk Style: Folk Rock
  1. 08001
  2. 100 Mile House
  3. 17 Hippies
  4. 23 Trublion 23
  5. 33A
  6. 33А
  7. 3rd Secret
  8. 44 Leningrad
  9. 5 Chinese Brothers
  10. 6 String Drag
  11. A Pale Ghost
  12. A.A. Williams
  13. Aaron Ross
  14. Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties
  15. Aaron, Sasha
  16. Abbiati, Edward
  17. Abby K
  18. Abeja
  19. Abney, John Calvin
  20. Abraham, Abe
  21. Abrial, Patrick
  22. Accents
  23. Accidentals
  24. Acollective
  25. Across The Border
  26. Adam Cohen
  27. Adam's House Cat
  28. Adivarius (DEU)
  29. Adkins, Hasil
  30. Admiral Fallow
  31. Aeonica
  32. Age of Not Believing
  33. Ahab (GBR)
  34. Ainulindale
  35. Air Review
  36. Airged L'Amh
  37. Ajattara
  38. AJJ
  39. Akers, Kirsty Lee
  40. Al Kooper
  41. Al Stewart
  42. Alain Bashung
  43. Alamaailman Vasarat
  44. Alan Morphew
  45. Alberto Camerini
  46. Albion Christmas Band
  47. Alcoa
  48. Aldington, John
  49. Alex Bleeker And The Freaks
  50. Alex Foster
  51. Alice Peacock
  52. Allan Taylor
  53. Allen, John
  54. Alligood, Arthur
  55. Allison Moorer
  56. Almighty American
  57. Alon, Geva
  58. Altan Urag
  59. Altin Gun
  60. Amanda Jackson Band
  61. Amanda Shires
  62. Amarok (ESP)
  63. Amber & Smoke
  64. Amelia White
  65. Amen Dunes
  66. Amendoeira, Joana
  67. Amends
  68. American Aquarium
  69. Amigo the Devil
  70. Amigos (USA)
  71. Amos Lee
  72. Amsterdam Klezmer Band
  73. Amy MacDonald
  74. Amy Rigby
  75. Anastasia Friedman
  76. Ancestors (USA, NY)
  77. Andaja
  78. Andersen, Eric
  79. Anderson, Marisa
  80. Anderssen, Lena
  81. Andre Ethier
  82. Andrews, Gem
  83. Andries, Alexandru
  84. Andy Irvine
  85. Andy White
  86. Angelo De Augustine
  87. Angie Hart
  88. Animal Liberation Orchestra
  89. Anna F
  90. Anna Jarvinen
  91. Anna RF
  92. Annabelle Chvostek
  93. Annis Brander
  94. Anthony Phillips
  95. Antichrisis
  96. Antony Milton
  97. Appendix Out
  98. Arborea
  99. Arcangel (ESP)
  100. Arcangel (USA)
  101. Ardentjohn
  102. Area Code 615
  103. Arfur Doo And The Toerags
  104. Ari Hest
  105. Ariana Delawari
  106. Aries (ITA)
  107. Arliss Nancy
  108. Armstrong, Billie Joe
  109. Arnica
  110. Art Ceilidh
  111. Artsruni
  112. Artsruni, Vahan
  113. ARтель
  114. Ashcan Orchid
  115. Ashley, Steve
  116. Aslan
  117. ASP
  118. Association (USA)
  119. Astarta (UKR)
  120. Astral Navigations
  121. Astronauts
  122. Atlanta Rhythm Section
  123. Atrocity (DEU)
  124. Attack In Black
  125. Audra Mae
  126. Aufschwung
  127. Augustine, Kelly
  128. Aura Dione
  129. Aurora Nealand & The Royal Roses
  130. Austin Lucas
  131. Autumn's Mourning
  132. Avalanche City
  133. AveNue
  134. Avett Brothers
  135. Axelrod, David
  136. Azra
  137. Azrie, Abed
  138. Babette Hayward
  139. Baby Cool
  140. Bachelors
  141. Back Pocket
  142. Badly Drawn Boy
  143. Bag of Toys
  144. Bahamas
  145. Baird, Meg
  146. Baldwin, Lane
  147. Balladeer
  148. Ballard, Jim
  149. Ballroom Thieves
  150. Balthazar, Troy von
  151. Balto
  152. Bambir
  153. Band
  154. Band Of Heathens
  155. Band of Holy Joy
  156. Bandabardo
  157. Bannkreis
  158. Bansidh
  159. Bap Kennedy
  160. Barber, Matthew
  161. Barber, Nicholas Andrew
  162. Barclay James Harvest
  163. Barefoot Truth
  164. Barker, Emily
  165. Barker, Sally
  166. Barnaby Bright
  167. Barnes, Cillie
  168. Barnes, Digger
  169. Barnett, Gregor
  170. Barnett, Tracey
  171. Barra MacNeils
  172. Barriol, Hugo
  173. Barry McGuire
  174. Bartell, Jaye
  175. Batdorf & Rodney
  176. Bates, Martyn
  177. Bathgate, Chris
  178. Battlefield Band
  179. Battlelegs
  180. Bayon
  181. BE/TA
  182. Beatles
  183. Beau
  184. Bebe
  185. Beck
  186. Beckum, Aaron
  187. Beggar's Bride
  188. Behzad
  189. Belanger, Daniel
  190. Bellamy Brothers
  191. Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals
  192. Ben Howard
  193. Ben Labat & The Happy Devil
  194. Ben Nichols
  195. Ben Reynolds
  196. Bennett Wilson Poole
  197. Benny Andersson Band
  198. Bent, Ridley
  199. Bentham, Brooke
  200. Berggren, Johan