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Genre: Rock Style: Progressive Metal
  1. Інкрустатор
  2. 埼玉最終兵器 & Aether
  3. (sic)monic
  4. -The Foundation-
  5. 13th Notion
  6. 16 Stitches
  7. 19 A.D.D.
  8. 1945 (USA)
  9. 23:19
  10. 25th Hour
  11. 3 (USA)
  12. 3 Headed Monster
  13. 350teric
  14. 3rd World Leader
  15. 40 Grit
  16. 5bridgeS
  17. 66crusher
  18. 7 For 4
  19. 7 Months
  20. 7Days
  21. 7th Nemesis
  22. 7th Overture
  23. 81 Db
  24. 9 Musas
  25. A Boy & His Dog
  26. A Cosmic Trail
  27. A Dying Planet
  28. A Dying Reign
  29. A Fool's Errand
  30. A Ghost Named Alice
  31. A Haunt of Crows
  32. A Horrible Death To A Horrible Man
  33. A Legend Falls
  34. A Life [DivideD]
  35. A Losing Season
  36. A Need For Reason
  37. A Notion of Silence
  38. A Novelist
  39. A Restless Mind (USA)
  40. A Sense Of Gravity
  41. A Tear Beyond
  42. A Torn Mind
  43. A Total Wall
  44. A((wake))
  45. A-Tierra
  46. A.lostfield
  47. Aabsinthe
  48. Aarni
  49. Aaxskfg
  50. Abacab
  51. Abandoned Humanity
  52. Abandoned Stars
  53. Abditory
  54. Abducted
  55. Abduction (FRA)
  56. Aberration
  57. Abhor (USA)
  58. Abigails Ghost
  59. Abighor
  60. Abiotic
  61. Aborted Hero
  62. Aborym
  63. Abounding
  64. Above Symmetry
  65. Abraxas (DEU)
  66. Abroad Experiments
  67. Absalem
  68. Absens
  69. Absently
  70. Absolace
  71. Absolute Priority
  72. Abstract Deviation
  73. Abstract Essence
  74. Abstract Virus
  75. Abstraction
  76. Abstrakt Algebra
  77. Abstrusa Unde
  78. Abydos (DEU, Kaiserslautern)
  79. Abysmalia
  80. Abyss (ESP)
  81. Abysse
  82. Acédia
  83. Acacia (ITA)
  84. Acadence
  85. Acanthe
  86. AcatoniA
  87. Accid Reign
  88. Accident Experiment
  89. Accomplice
  90. Accretion Disk
  91. Acedia (TUR)
  92. Achilla
  93. Achilles (USA)
  94. Achokarlos
  95. Acid Death
  96. Acid Empire
  97. Acid Rain
  98. Acid Tree
  99. Acolyte (AUS)
  100. Acolyte (Gbr)
  101. Acrania (MEX)
  102. Acrasia
  103. Acron
  104. Across Oceans
  105. Acute Cognitive Dissonance
  106. Acute Mind
  107. Acyl
  108. Ad Astra (HUN)
  109. Ada Vada
  110. Adagio (FRA)
  111. Adamanter
  112. Adamantra
  113. Adan Robledo
  114. Adeia
  115. Adfectus Exundant
  116. Adrian Weiss
  117. Adriatic
  118. Adrift (ESP)
  119. Advanced Logic Degree
  120. Advent Equation
  121. Adventure (NOR)
  122. Adventurer
  123. Aebsence
  124. Aechoes
  125. Aedra (GBR)
  126. Aeli, Manu
  127. Aeolia
  128. Aeolias
  129. Aeon Of Horus
  130. Aeon Zen
  131. Aeons
  132. Aepoch
  133. Aergonaut
  134. Aerial (NOR)
  135. Aerial Blacked
  136. Aerodyne Flex
  137. Aeronwen
  138. Aesir (ESP)
  139. Aesth
  140. Aeterna Hystoria
  141. Aethere (USA)
  142. AEthereal
  143. Aetherfallen
  144. Aevum Nova
  145. Afasia (ITA)
  146. Afekth
  147. Affector
  148. Afferatus
  149. Affinity (USA)
  150. Afiqme
  151. After Eternity
  152. After Lapse
  153. After The Abduction
  154. Afterdeath
  155. Afterglow (USA)
  156. Aftermath (USA)
  157. Agathodaimon
  158. Age Of Kronos
  159. Age Of Nemesis
  160. Age Of Silence
  161. Ageless Oblivion
  162. Ageness
  163. Aghora
  164. Agnosia
  165. Agnost Dei
  166. Agona
  167. Agora (MEX)
  168. Ahl Sina
  169. Ahoora
  170. Aina
  171. Ainur (COL)
  172. Aion
  173. Aittala
  174. Akashic
  175. Akeldama
  176. Akercocke
  177. Akh-naut
  178. Aklash
  179. Akphaezya
  180. Akribi
  181. Akroma
  182. Al Joseph
  183. Alarion
  184. Alarum
  185. Alase
  186. Alaya
  187. Albatros (ESP)
  188. Albion Codex
  189. Alcest
  190. Alchemist (AUS)
  191. Alchemists
  192. Alchemists of Darkness
  193. Alchemy Fire
  194. Alcyone
  195. Alegionnaire
  196. Aleph (ITA)
  197. Aleph Zero
  198. Alessandro Montoro
  199. Aletheïa
  200. Aletheian