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Genre: Jazz Style: Jazz-Rock
  1. 12Twelve
  2. 385
  3. 3Quietmen
  4. 4 Level Interchange
  5. 7 For 4
  6. Abono Pa La Tierra
  7. Abraham Inc
  8. Acoustic Ladyland
  9. Adam Nitti
  10. Addison Project
  11. Aether Tree
  12. Agren, Morgan
  13. Ain Soph (JPN)
  14. Al Di Meola
  15. Alberto Camerini
  16. Alex Carpani
  17. Alfred 23 Harth
  18. Allan Holdsworth
  19. Alquin
  20. Altamira
  21. Amerigumbo
  22. Amit Baumgarten Quartet
  23. Amoeba Split
  24. Anaid
  25. Andrew D'Angelo Trio
  26. Andrick, Corbin
  27. Andries, Alexandru
  28. Antiheroe
  29. Antoine Fafard
  30. Anton Fier
  31. Antonico Reyes And Gipsy Legend
  32. Arcamone, Dan
  33. Ars Nova (USA)
  34. ARтель
  35. Association P.C.
  36. Athelstone
  37. Atomik Clocks
  38. Attention Deficit
  39. Auger, Brian
  40. August Greene
  41. AutorYno
  42. Axelrod, David
  43. Axon-Neuron
  44. B.U.G.
  45. Bad Plus
  46. Baja
  47. Bakelite Radio
  48. Baker Gurvitz Army
  49. Baron (ARG)
  50. Bell Helium
  51. Ben Phelps Project
  52. Bendian, Gregg
  53. Benny Greb
  54. Bernie Williams
  55. Big Jay McNeely
  56. Bilbao Syndrome
  57. Bill Bruford
  58. Bill Chase
  59. Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie
  60. Birds & Buildings
  61. Bjorn Torske
  62. Black Ladder
  63. Blast Muzungu
  64. Blood, Sweat and Tears
  65. Blue Effect
  66. Blues Magoos
  67. Blurt
  68. Boneshakers
  69. Borelius, Erik
  70. Borlai Gergo
  71. Box Wine Trio
  72. Brad Mehldau Trio
  73. Brand X
  74. Brass Against
  75. Breznev Fun Club
  76. Brimer, David
  77. Brinsley Shwarz
  78. Brothers In Groove
  79. Brous One
  80. Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
  81. Bushman's Revenge
  82. Butler, Allen, McDaniel
  83. Butler, Patrick
  84. CAB (USA)
  85. Cakewalk (NOR)
  86. Calomito
  87. Cannon, Colin
  88. Carlos Franzetti
  89. Carpenter, Cody
  90. Cartel Carnage
  91. Casiopea
  92. Charts & Maps
  93. Chicago
  94. Chitlin Crew
  95. Chris Washburne and the Syotos Band
  96. Christophe Deschamps
  97. Chromb!
  98. Chui
  99. Circles Around The Sun
  100. CJ Boyd
  101. Clearlight
  102. Clock Reads
  103. Clockwork Groove
  104. Cloudyhead
  105. Collage (GBR)
  106. Colosseum (GBR)
  107. Combat Astronomy
  108. Combo De La Muerte
  109. Comet Is Coming
  110. Comincini, Angelo
  111. Common Bond
  112. Connors, Loren Mazzacane
  113. Countdown
  114. Counter World Experience
  115. Critical Quartet Experience
  116. Croft, Benjamin
  117. Cthulhu Rise
  118. Cucamonga
  119. Cumulonimbus
  120. Cuong Vu 4-tet
  121. Curlew
  122. Curt Cress Clan
  123. Curtis Stigers
  124. D'Rivera, Paquito
  125. D.F.A. (ITA)
  126. Dagnasterpus
  127. Dan Berglund's Tonbruket
  128. Darth Vegas
  129. Dave King Trucking Company
  130. David Cross Band
  131. David Cross Music
  132. Debrecen Jazz Group
  133. Dee, Graham
  134. Defunkt Special Edition
  135. Delta Nove
  136. Deluge Grander
  137. Dennis DeYoung
  138. Derek Sherinian
  139. Dewa Budjana
  140. Dick Heckstall-Smith
  141. Disen Gage
  142. Dixie Dregs
  143. Django Bates
  144. Doesin
  145. Dominic Sanderson
  146. Donald Fagen
  147. Down I Go
  148. DPZ
  149. Dr. MaKeys
  150. Draw The Sky
  151. Dua Drum
  152. Egeiro Project
  153. Egy Kiss Erzsi Zene
  154. Eivor
  155. Elephant's Memory
  156. Elephant9
  157. Ellen Benediktson
  158. Elliott Sharp
  159. Embryo (DEU)
  160. EOL Trio
  161. Eric Seva
  162. Estradasphere
  163. Everyman Band
  164. Ex Cathedra
  165. Experience Unlimited
  166. fago.sepia
  167. Farrell, Dan
  168. Father Figure
  169. Fermata
  170. Fiction (USA, ME)
  171. Final Step
  172. Finely Tuned Elephant
  173. Fire!
  174. Firekites
  175. Fireplace
  176. Fischer, Heiko
  177. Fiuczynski, David
  178. Five Alarm Funk
  179. Flamengo
  180. Flat Earth Society (BEL)
  181. Flying Island
  182. Fond Of Tigers
  183. For The Oracle
  184. Forgotten Silence
  185. Fourth Way
  186. Fraktal
  187. Frank Gambale
  188. Frank Zappa
  189. Free Human Zoo
  190. Fresh!
  191. Fujara
  192. Fukamachi, Jun
  193. Fusion Syndicate
  194. Fusionator
  195. Galactic
  196. Garage A Trois
  197. Garaj Mahal
  198. Garfield, David
  199. Gary Boyle
  200. Gavin Harrison