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McCutcheon, John

McCutcheon, John
McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon)
Discography  (total 32 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Joe Hill's Last Will - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2015 Joe Hill's Last Will 13 00:42:16 320 97.01 Mb 2.18€
22 Days - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2013 22 Days 13 00:50:06 192 68.94 Mb 2.03€
This Land: Woody Guthrie's America - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2011 This Land: Woody Guthrie's America 15 00:57:54 320 132.82 Mb 2.61€
Mail Myself to You - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2011 Mail Myself to You 12 00:39:26 320 92.17 Mb 2.02€
Passage - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2010 Passage 14 00:51:27 320 118.04 Mb 2.41€
Untold (Storytelling and Music, CD 1: Songs) - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2009 Untold (Storytelling and Music, CD 1: Songs) 12 00:47:54 192 65.96 Mb 1.89€
Untold (Storytelling and Music, CD 2: Stories) - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2009 Untold (Storytelling and Music, CD 2: Stories) 5 01:06:09 192 90.89 Mb 1.1€
This Fire: Politics, Love And Other Small Miracles - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2007 This Fire: Politics, Love And Other Small Miracles 15 00:58:39 192 80.76 Mb 2.35€
Mightier Than The Sword - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2005 Mightier Than The Sword 14 00:56:22 320 129.34 Mb 2.47€
Welcome the Traveler Home: the Winfield Songs - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2005 Welcome the Traveler Home: the Winfield Songs 13 00:51:56 VBR-320 121.57 Mb 2.3€
Stand Up! Broadsides for Our Times - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2004 Stand Up! Broadsides for Our Times 14 00:51:08 320 118.45 Mb 2.41€
Hail To The Chief!: And Other Short Shelf - Life Classics - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2003 Hail To The Chief!: And Other Short Shelf - Life Classics 13 00:46:22 320 106.37 Mb 2.22€
The Greatest Story Never Told - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 2002 The Greatest Story Never Told 13 00:54:29 320 124.97 Mb 2.31€
Storied Ground - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1999 Storied Ground 12 00:47:45 VBR-287 90.84 Mb 2.01€
Bigger Than Yourself - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1997 Bigger Than Yourself 15 00:50:46 320 116.58 Mb 2.53€
Sprout Wings And Fly - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1997 Sprout Wings And Fly 14 00:52:42 192 72.55 Mb 2.18€
John McCutcheon's Four Seasons: Summersongs - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1995 John McCutcheon's Four Seasons: Summersongs 12 00:43:59 320 100.88 Mb 2.06€
John McCutcheon's Four Seasons: Wintersongs - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1995 John McCutcheon's Four Seasons: Wintersongs 12 00:44:14 320 101.42 Mb 2.07€
John McCutcheon's Four Seasons: Autumnsongs - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1995 John McCutcheon's Four Seasons: Autumnsongs 12 00:43:41 VBR-320 100.21 Mb 2.06€
Nothing to Lose - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1995 Nothing to Lose 12 00:49:59 320 115.32 Mb 2.14€
Signs Of The Times (feat. Si Kahn) - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1994 Signs Of The Times (feat. Si Kahn) 16 00:58:29 VBR-199 80.1 Mb 2.48€
Between The Eclipse - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1994 Between The Eclipse 10 00:44:24 320 101.8 Mb 1.81€
Family Garden - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1993 Family Garden 13 00:52:37 320 120.75 Mb 2.29€
Live At Wolf Trap - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1991 Live At Wolf Trap 15 01:08:21 VBR-182 79.52 Mb 2.35€
What It's Like - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1990 What It's Like 12 00:54:18 320 124.51 Mb 2.18€
Gonna Rise Again - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1987 Gonna Rise Again 9 00:37:54 320 86.96 Mb 1.6€
Step By Step - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1987 Step By Step 11 00:40:21 192 55.49 Mb 1.71€
Winter Solstice - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1986 Winter Solstice 11 00:41:22 320 94.88 Mb 1.9€
Howjadoo - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1983 Howjadoo 12 00:40:45 320 93.56 Mb 2.03€
Fine Times At Our House: Hammer Dulcimer & Old Time Fiddle Music - McCutcheon, John (John McCutcheon, John Mc Cutcheon) 1982 Fine Times At Our House: Hammer Dulcimer & Old Time Fiddle Music 12 00:44:30 VBR-299 92.3 Mb 2.02€
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