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Discography  (total 66 Albums )
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Strung Out on U2: The String Quartet Tribute (Feat.) - U2 (U-2) 2000 Strung Out on U2: The String Quartet Tribute (Feat.)
[Featuring Vitamin String Quartet ]
12 00:50:03 320 114.77 Mb 2.13€
Pop - U2 (U-2) 1997 Pop 12 01:00:03
Passengers - U2 (U-2) 1995 Passengers 14 00:58:04
Zooropa - U2 (U-2) 1993 Zooropa 10 00:51:15
Zooropa (LP) - U2 (U-2) 1993 Zooropa (LP) 10 00:51:14
Zooropa (split) - U2 (U-2) 1993 Zooropa (split)
[Split with Brian Eno ]
10 00:51:17 320 119.3 Mb 1.9€
Achtung Baby - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby 12 00:55:23
Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, Cd 1 - Achtung Baby) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, Cd 1 - Achtung Baby) 12 00:55:23
Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 2 - Zooropa) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 2 - Zooropa) 10 00:51:15
Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 3 - Uber Remixes) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 3 - Uber Remixes) 11 01:07:12
Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 4 - Unter Remixes) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 4 - Unter Remixes) 11 01:09:07
Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 5 - B-Sides and Bonus Tracks) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 5 - B-Sides and Bonus Tracks) 16 01:05:11
Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 6 - Kindergarten) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (Deluxe Edition 2001, CD 6 - Kindergarten) 12 01:00:19
Achtung Baby (LP) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (LP) 12 00:55:17
Achtung Baby (30th Anniversary Edition) (CD 1- Reissue 2021) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (30th Anniversary Edition) (CD 1- Reissue 2021) 12 00:55:22
Achtung Baby (30th Anniversary Edition) (CD 2- Reissue 2021) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (30th Anniversary Edition) (CD 2- Reissue 2021) 11 01:09:07
Achtung Baby (split) - U2 (U-2) 1991 Achtung Baby (split)
[Split with Brian Eno ]
12 00:55:26 320 128.69 Mb 2.2€
Rattle And Hum (LP 1) - U2 (U-2) 1988 Rattle And Hum (LP 1) 9 00:36:48
Rattle And Hum (LP 2) - U2 (U-2) 1988 Rattle And Hum (LP 2) 8 00:35:35
The Joshua Tree - U2 (U-2) 1987 The Joshua Tree 11 00:48:48
The Joshua Tree. 30th Anniversary (Super Deluxe) (CD 1) - U2 (U-2) 1987 The Joshua Tree. 30th Anniversary (Super Deluxe) (CD 1) 11 00:50:05
The Joshua Tree. 30Th Anniversary (Super Deluxe) (Cd 2) - U2 (U-2) 1987 The Joshua Tree. 30Th Anniversary (Super Deluxe) (Cd 2) 17 01:16:38
The Joshua Tree. 30Th Anniversary (Super Deluxe) (Cd 3) - U2 (U-2) 1987 The Joshua Tree. 30Th Anniversary (Super Deluxe) (Cd 3) 6 00:31:42
The Joshua Tree. 30Th Anniversary (Super Deluxe) (Cd 4) - U2 (U-2) 1987 The Joshua Tree. 30Th Anniversary (Super Deluxe) (Cd 4) 15 00:58:42
The Joshua Tree (LP) - U2 (U-2) 1987 The Joshua Tree (LP) 11 00:50:09
The Joshua Tree (split) - U2 (U-2) 1987 The Joshua Tree (split)
[Split with Brian Eno ]
11 00:50:09 320 115.82 Mb 2.01€
The Unforgettable Fire - U2 (U-2) 1984 The Unforgettable Fire 10 00:42:40
The Unforgettable Fire (Remastered 2009) [LP] - U2 (U-2) 1984 The Unforgettable Fire (Remastered 2009) [LP] 10 00:42:51
The Unforgettable Fire (split) - U2 (U-2) 1984 The Unforgettable Fire (split)
[Split with Brian Eno ]
10 00:43:10 320 100.31 Mb 1.8€
War - U2 (U-2) 1983 War 10 00:42:04
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