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Sweet (The Sweet)
Rock  /  Pop
Discography  (total 37 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Full Circle - Sweet (The Sweet) 2024 Full Circle 11 00:41:52
Isolation Boulevard - Sweet (The Sweet) 2020 Isolation Boulevard 12 00:46:06
Desolation Boulevard Revisited - Sweet (The Sweet) 2012 Desolation Boulevard Revisited 10 00:49:08
The Sweet & The Pipkins (Split) - Sweet (The Sweet) 2011 The Sweet & The Pipkins (Split)
[Split with Pipkins ]
20 00:55:11
Desolation Boulevard (Remastered With Bonus Tracks) - Sweet (The Sweet) 2005 Desolation Boulevard (Remastered With Bonus Tracks) 18 01:15:45
Sweet Fanny Adams (remastered ) - Sweet (The Sweet) 2005 Sweet Fanny Adams (remastered ) 15 01:00:45
Funny How Sweet Co-Co Can Be (remastered) - Sweet (The Sweet) 2005 Funny How Sweet Co-Co Can Be (remastered) 22 01:07:51
Give Us A Wink (Remastered With Bonus Tracks) - Sweet (The Sweet) 2005 Give Us A Wink (Remastered With Bonus Tracks) 11 00:52:28
Hell Raisers! - Sweet (The Sweet) 2000 Hell Raisers! 13 00:40:46
Alive & Giggin'! - Sweet (The Sweet) 1995 Alive & Giggin'! 15 01:07:50
Blockbusters - Sweet (The Sweet) 1989 Blockbusters 14 00:46:06
Blockbusters - Sweet (The Sweet) 1989 Blockbusters 14 00:46:06
Starke Zeiten - Sweet (The Sweet) 1988 Starke Zeiten 16 00:53:59
Die Grossen Erfolge Einer Supergruppe - Sweet (The Sweet) 1985 Die Grossen Erfolge Einer Supergruppe 14 00:46:21
Identity Crisis - Sweet (The Sweet) 1982 Identity Crisis 9 00:33:35
Identity Crisis (Remastered 2010) - Sweet (The Sweet) 1982 Identity Crisis (Remastered 2010) 9 00:33:11
Waters Edge - Sweet (The Sweet) 1980 Waters Edge 10 00:36:01
Cut Above The Rest - Sweet (The Sweet) 1979 Cut Above The Rest 9 00:41:10
Cut Above The Rest (Remastered 2010) - Sweet (The Sweet) 1979 Cut Above The Rest (Remastered 2010) 12 00:51:06
Level Headed (Ltd. Edition) - Sweet (The Sweet) 1978 Level Headed (Ltd. Edition) 14 00:53:56
Off The Record - Sweet (The Sweet) 1977 Off The Record 12 00:49:32
Off The Record (Remastered 2005) - Sweet (The Sweet) 1977 Off The Record (Remastered 2005) 17 01:11:03
Give Us A Wink - Sweet (The Sweet) 1976 Give Us A Wink 10 00:45:56
Give Us A Wink (Remastered + Expanded 2005) - Sweet (The Sweet) 1976 Give Us A Wink (Remastered + Expanded 2005) 11 00:52:28
Give Us A Wink (Remastered 1990) - Sweet (The Sweet) 1976 Give Us A Wink (Remastered 1990) 12 00:55:38
Strung Up - Sweet (The Sweet) 1975 Strung Up 17 01:14:04
Strung Up (Remastered 1997) - Sweet (The Sweet) 1975 Strung Up (Remastered 1997) 17 01:14:07
Strung Up - Sweet (The Sweet) 1975 Strung Up 17 01:14:07
Sweet Fanny Adams - Sweet (The Sweet) 1974 Sweet Fanny Adams 11 00:46:40
Desolation Boulevard (Ltd. Edition) - Sweet (The Sweet) 1974 Desolation Boulevard (Ltd. Edition) 11 00:49:19
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