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Ramsey Lewis

Ramsey Lewis
Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel)
Jazz  /  World
Discography  (total 38 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Gettin' Hip - Christmas Wishes - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2017 Gettin' Hip - Christmas Wishes 21 01:15:25 320 174.25 Mb 3.6€
Wrappin' It Up - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2015 Wrappin' It Up 19 01:18:11 320 179.33 Mb 3.37€
Ramsey Taking Another Look - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2011 Ramsey Taking Another Look 10 00:52:30 VBR-265 91.4 Mb 1.76€
Plays The Beatles Songbook - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2010 Plays The Beatles Songbook 8 00:35:56
Songs From The Heart: Ramsey Plays Ramsey - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2009 Songs From The Heart: Ramsey Plays Ramsey 12 01:15:02
With One Voice - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2005 With One Voice 11 01:03:47
Time Flies - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2004 Time Flies 11 01:03:29 320 145.51 Mb 2.16€
Simple Pleasures (split) - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2003 Simple Pleasures (split)
[Split with Nancy Wilson ]
10 00:54:40
Meant To Be (split) - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 2002 Meant To Be (split)
[Split with Nancy Wilson ]
11 00:56:15
Appassionata - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1999 Appassionata 10 01:08:35
Dance Of The Soul - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1997 Dance Of The Soul 10 00:51:01
Perform A Tribute To Clifford Brown - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1997 Perform A Tribute To Clifford Brown 8 00:35:46 320 82.02 Mb 1.45€
Between The Keys - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1996 Between The Keys 10 00:51:36
Sky Islands - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1993 Sky Islands 11 00:56:12
Sky Islands (Remastered 2003) - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1993 Sky Islands (Remastered 2003) 12 01:00:44
Ivory Pyramid - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1992 Ivory Pyramid 10 00:47:35
Ramsey Lewis & Billy Taylor - We Meet Again (split) - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1989 Ramsey Lewis & Billy Taylor - We Meet Again (split)
[Split with Taylor, Billy ]
9 00:56:15
Les Fleurs - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1983 Les Fleurs 7 00:43:33
Three Piece Suite - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1981 Three Piece Suite 10 00:39:47
Routes - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1980 Routes 10 00:37:47
Love Notes - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1977 Love Notes 7 00:34:39
Tequila Mockingbird - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1977 Tequila Mockingbird 8 00:38:38
Salongo - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1976 Salongo 7 00:35:26
Don't It Feel Good - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1975 Don't It Feel Good 10 00:37:12
Solar Wind - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1974 Solar Wind 9 00:42:45
Sun Goddess - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1974 Sun Goddess 7 00:36:24
The Piano Player (LP) - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1972 The Piano Player (LP) 11 00:43:55 320 100.7 Mb 1.93€
Another Voyage - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1969 Another Voyage 10 00:36:19
Mother Nature's Son - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1968 Mother Nature's Son 10 00:40:13
Maiden Voyage - Ramsey Lewis (Lewis, Ramsey Emmanuel) 1968 Maiden Voyage 12 00:47:07
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