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Primal Scream

Primal Scream
Primal Scream
Electronica  /  Alternative  /  Dance  /  Blues  /  Rock  /  Pop  /  Reggae
Discography  (total 42 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Echo Dek - Primal Scream 1997 Echo Dek 9 00:44:25 320 101.78 Mb 1.68€
Vanishing Point - Primal Scream 1997 Vanishing Point 11 00:53:33 320 122.81 Mb 2.04€
Vanishing Point (Deluxe Edition 2009) [CD 1] - Primal Scream 1997 Vanishing Point (Deluxe Edition 2009) [CD 1] 16 01:16:13
Vanishing Point (Deluxe Edition 2009) [CD 2] - Primal Scream 1997 Vanishing Point (Deluxe Edition 2009) [CD 2] 9 00:53:01
Vanishing Point (Japan Limited Edition) - Primal Scream 1997 Vanishing Point (Japan Limited Edition) 12 00:58:04
Give Out But Dont Give Up - Primal Scream 1994 Give Out But Dont Give Up 12 01:01:02
Give Out But Don't Give Up (Deluxe Edition 2009) [CD 2] - Primal Scream 1994 Give Out But Don't Give Up (Deluxe Edition 2009) [CD 2] 10 01:11:47
Give Out But Don't Give Up (Deluxe Edition 2009) [CD 1] - Primal Scream 1994 Give Out But Don't Give Up (Deluxe Edition 2009) [CD 1] 15 01:13:47
Screamadelica - Primal Scream 1991 Screamadelica 11 01:02:50
Primal Scream (Reissue 1996) - Primal Scream 1989 Primal Scream (Reissue 1996) 10 00:32:38 320 74.87 Mb 1.67€
Sonic Flower Groove - Primal Scream 1987 Sonic Flower Groove 10 00:34:19
Sonic Flower Groove (Japan Remastered 1994) - Primal Scream 1987 Sonic Flower Groove (Japan Remastered 1994) 15 00:49:29
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