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Discography  (total 24 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Another Fall From Grace - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2016 Another Fall From Grace 12 01:04:09
The Brightest Light (CD 1) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2013 The Brightest Light (CD 1) 11 00:59:53
The Brightest Light (CD 2) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2013 The Brightest Light (CD 2) 9 00:40:48
Dum-Dum Bullet - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2010 Dum-Dum Bullet 14 01:01:15
God Is A Bullet - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2007 God Is A Bullet 15 01:07:39
Aural Delights - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2002 Aural Delights 12 00:56:12
Aura - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2001 Aura 13 01:07:50
Tower Of Strength - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2000 Tower Of Strength 17 01:18:25
Blue - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1996 Blue 12 00:51:22
Neverland - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1995 Neverland 12 01:06:15
Sum And Substance - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1994 Sum And Substance 15 01:14:55
Masque - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1992 Masque 12 00:51:36
Masque (2008 Reissued) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1992 Masque (2008 Reissued) 16 01:15:47
Carved In Sand - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Carved In Sand 10 00:47:12
Grains Of Sand - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Grains Of Sand 12 00:48:05
Carved In Sand, Reissued 2008 (CD 1) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Carved In Sand, Reissued 2008 (CD 1) 11 00:51:20
Carved In Sand, Reissued 2008 (CD 2) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Carved In Sand, Reissued 2008 (CD 2) 13 00:54:54
Carved In Sand, Reissued 2008 (CD 3) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Carved In Sand, Reissued 2008 (CD 3) 14 00:51:08
Children - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1988 Children 13 00:57:45
Children (2007 Reissued) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1988 Children (2007 Reissued) 17 01:18:49
The First Chapter - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1987 The First Chapter 9 00:45:58
God's Own Medicine - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1986 God's Own Medicine 12 00:57:52
Gods Own Medicine (2007 Reissue) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1986 Gods Own Medicine (2007 Reissue) 16 01:15:56
The First Chapter (2007 Reissue) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1986 The First Chapter (2007 Reissue) 18 01:14:39
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