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Discography  (total 22 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Live Albums | Compilations, Remixes
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Breathe Me In - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 2005 Breathe Me In 5 00:27:39
Coming Home - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1996 Coming Home 3 00:08:50
Lose Myself In You - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1995 Lose Myself In You 4 00:16:04
Swoon - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1995 Swoon 4 00:20:24
Swoon (Limited Edition) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1995 Swoon (Limited Edition) 4 00:25:59
Afterglow - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1994 Afterglow 4 00:20:18
Afterglow, Limited Edition Mixes (EP) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1994 Afterglow, Limited Edition Mixes (EP) 4 00:33:05
Raising Cain - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1994 Raising Cain 3 00:14:35
Tower Of Strenght - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1994 Tower Of Strenght 3 00:19:22
Like A Child Again - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1992 Like A Child Again 4 00:20:56
Never Again - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1992 Never Again 4 00:20:26
Like a Child Again (10'' Single) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1992 Like a Child Again (10'' Single) 3 00:14:58
Shades of Green (Remixed by Utah Saints) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1992 Shades of Green (Remixed by Utah Saints) 4 00:19:23
Amelia - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Amelia 4 00:14:47
Deliverance - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Deliverance 4 00:18:06
Hands Across The Ocean - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Hands Across The Ocean 4 00:14:04
Into The Blue - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Into The Blue 3 00:16:56
Deliverance (10'' Single) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Deliverance (10'' Single) 4 00:14:22
Into The Blue - First Avenue Mix (12'' Single) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1990 Into The Blue - First Avenue Mix (12'' Single) 3 00:14:43
Butterfly On A Wheel - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1989 Butterfly On A Wheel 3 00:18:40
Butterfly On A Wheel (10'' Single) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1989 Butterfly On A Wheel (10'' Single) 3 00:18:40
Severina (12'' Single) - Mission (The Mission / The Metal Gurus) 1987 Severina (12'' Single) 4 00:15:08
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