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Velvet Acid Christ

Velvet Acid Christ
Velvet Acid Christ (VAC)
Discography  (total 16 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Ora Oblivionis (Cd 1: Ora Oblivionis) - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2019 Ora Oblivionis (Cd 1: Ora Oblivionis) 12 00:55:28 VBR-320 128.46 Mb 2.2€
Ora Oblivionis (Cd 2: Interface Oblivion) - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2019 Ora Oblivionis (Cd 2: Interface Oblivion) 12 01:06:34 VBR-320 153.96 Mb 2.33€
Dire Land - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2015 Dire Land 13 01:02:31 320 147.04 Mb 2.43€
Subconscious Landscapes - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2014 Subconscious Landscapes 10 00:45:32 320 104.47 Mb 1.82€
Maldire - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2012 Maldire 11 00:53:11 320 121.96 Mb 2.04€
Caustic Disco - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2010 Caustic Disco 7 00:37:17 320 85.63 Mb 1.34€
The Art Of Breaking Apart - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2009 The Art Of Breaking Apart 11 01:11:08 320 163.05 Mb 2.25€
Lust For Blood - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2006 Lust For Blood 14 01:09:31 320 159.39 Mb 2.62€
Dimension 8 - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2004 Dimension 8 11 01:01:02 224 97.92 Mb 1.92€
Hex Angel: Utopia-Dystopia - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2003 Hex Angel: Utopia-Dystopia 11 00:56:38 320 129.9 Mb 2.08€
Neuralblastoma - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2003 Neuralblastoma 12 01:13:51 320 169.31 Mb 2.41€
Twisted Thought Generator - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 2000 Twisted Thought Generator 9 00:58:39 VBR-270 111.73 Mb 1.73€
Fun With Knives - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 1999 Fun With Knives 11 00:58:35 256 107.45 Mb 1.97€
Calling Ov The Dead - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 1998 Calling Ov The Dead 11 01:04:03 VBR-270 121.45 Mb 2.04€
Calling Ov The Dead (2006 Remaster) - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 1998 Calling Ov The Dead (2006 Remaster) 13 01:17:06 VBR-271 140.47 Mb 2.39€
Calling Ov The Dead Beta (Limited Edition) - Velvet Acid Christ (VAC) 1997 Calling Ov The Dead Beta (Limited Edition) 12 01:12:05 320 166.5 Mb 2.39€
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