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Thou Art Lord

Thou Art Lord
Thou Art Lord
Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
The Regal Pulse of Lucifer - Thou Art Lord 2013 The Regal Pulse of Lucifer 9 00:41:26 320 95.04 Mb 1.65€
Orgia Daemonicum - Thou Art Lord 2005 Orgia Daemonicum 10 00:36:21 VBR-255 64.96 Mb 1.62€
DV8 - Thou Art Lord 2002 DV8 9 00:40:54 320 93.81 Mb 1.64€
Apollyon - The Church OF War - Thou Art Lord 1996 Apollyon - The Church OF War 8 00:37:44 ABR-267 71.33 Mb 1.4€
Eosforos - Thou Art Lord 1994 Eosforos 8 00:38:32 320 88.56 Mb 1.48€
Thou Art Lord / Ancient Rites (split) - Thou Art Lord 1993 Thou Art Lord / Ancient Rites (split)
[Split with Ancient Rites ]
2 00:10:04 192 13.86 Mb 0.33€
The Cult Of The Horned One (Demo) - Thou Art Lord 1993 The Cult Of The Horned One (Demo) 3 00:13:13 192 18.18 Mb 0.48€
Thou Art Lord / Ancient Rites (split) - Thou Art Lord 1993 Thou Art Lord / Ancient Rites (split)
[Split with Ancient Rites ]
2 00:10:04 192 13.86 Mb 0.33€
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