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Temptations (The Temptations)
Discography  (total 53 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Ain't Too Proud: The Life And Times Of The Temptations - Temptations (The Temptations) 2019 Ain't Too Proud: The Life And Times Of The Temptations
[Tribute by Soundtrack - Movies ]
29 01:17:54
Classic - Temptations (The Temptations) 2009 Classic 16 01:00:39
Merry Christmas - Temptations (The Temptations) 2009 Merry Christmas 15 00:51:08
Back To Front - Temptations (The Temptations) 2007 Back To Front 11 00:48:59
Reflections - Temptations (The Temptations) 2006 Reflections 15 01:02:41
Love Songs - Temptations (The Temptations) 2004 Love Songs 14 00:45:41
Legacy - Temptations (The Temptations) 2004 Legacy 12 00:58:05
Psychedelic Soul (CD 1) - Temptations (The Temptations) 2003 Psychedelic Soul (CD 1) 13 01:11:24
Psychedelic Soul (CD 2) - Temptations (The Temptations) 2003 Psychedelic Soul (CD 2) 11 01:18:03
Awesome - Temptations (The Temptations) 2001 Awesome 14 00:56:42
Ear-Resistible - Temptations (The Temptations) 2000 Ear-Resistible 14 00:57:46
Psychedelic Soul - Temptations (The Temptations) 2000 Psychedelic Soul 18 01:11:27 320 163.87 Mb 3.16€
My Girl - Temptations (The Temptations) 1998 My Girl 20 01:04:41
Phoenix Rising - Temptations (The Temptations) 1998 Phoenix Rising 13 00:57:18
The Original Mini-Series Soundtrack - Temptations (The Temptations) 1998 The Original Mini-Series Soundtrack 17 00:57:41
For Lovers Only - Temptations (The Temptations) 1995 For Lovers Only 12 00:53:42
Milestone - Temptations (The Temptations) 1991 Milestone 11 00:52:01
Papa Was A Rolling Stone - Temptations (The Temptations) 1989 Papa Was A Rolling Stone 17 01:02:24
Special - Temptations (The Temptations) 1989 Special 10 00:49:19
Together Again - Temptations (The Temptations) 1987 Together Again 9 00:41:13
To Be Continued... - Temptations (The Temptations) 1986 To Be Continued... 10 00:45:19 320 103.9 Mb 1.82€
Touch Me - Temptations (The Temptations) 1985 Touch Me 9 00:41:11
Truly For You - Temptations (The Temptations) 1984 Truly For You 8 00:39:02 320 89.49 Mb 1.49€
Surface Thrills - Temptations (The Temptations) 1983 Surface Thrills 8 00:37:01
Back To Basics - Temptations (The Temptations) 1983 Back To Basics 8 00:40:24 320 92.67 Mb 1.5€
Reunion - Temptations (The Temptations) 1982 Reunion 9 00:45:35 320 104.51 Mb 1.69€
The Temptations - Temptations (The Temptations) 1981 The Temptations 10 00:37:16
Power - Temptations (The Temptations) 1980 Power 8 00:37:03 320 84.99 Mb 1.46€
Give Love At Christmas - Temptations (The Temptations) 1980 Give Love At Christmas 9 00:40:54 320 93.83 Mb 1.64€
Bare Back - Temptations (The Temptations) 1978 Bare Back 9 00:34:17
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