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Steve Vai

Discography  (total 10 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Live Albums | Compilations, Remixes | Bootlegs
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Incite the Watch (feat.) - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2024 Incite the Watch (feat.)
[Featuring Billy Morrison ]
1 00:04:21 320 9.99 Mb 0.18€
Zeus in Chains - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2022 Zeus in Chains 1 00:04:38 320 10.63 Mb 0.18€
Ego Death (feat. Steve Vai) - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2022 Ego Death (feat. Steve Vai) *
[Featuring Polyphia ]
4 00:15:02 320 34.46 Mb 0.69€
Little Pretty - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2021 Little Pretty 1 00:06:25 320 14.72 Mb 0.2€
The Moon and I - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2010 The Moon and I 1 00:07:19 VBR-263 13.77 Mb 0.2€
Without Me - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2010 Without Me 1 00:05:00 256 9.17 Mb 0.18€
Speed (VaiTunes #3) - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2010 Speed (VaiTunes #3) 1 00:04:03 VBR-240 6.98 Mb 0.16€
Underground Garden (VaiTunes #4) - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2010 Underground Garden (VaiTunes #4) 1 00:03:52 320 8.88 Mb 0.17€
The Burning Bush (VaiTunes #5) - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2010 The Burning Bush (VaiTunes #5) 1 00:05:05 320 11.65 Mb 0.19€
Amirah (VaiTunes #6) - Steve Vai (Vai, Steve / Steve Siro Vai / Reckless Fable) 2010 Amirah (VaiTunes #6) 1 00:08:20 128 7.64 Mb 0.17€
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