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Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Smile - Skindred 2023 Smile 12 00:42:41
Big Tings - Skindred 2018 Big Tings 10 00:37:24 320 85.79 Mb 1.73€
Volume - Skindred 2015 Volume 14 00:43:03 320 98.83 Mb 2.31€
Kill the Power - Skindred 2014 Kill the Power 12 00:48:34
Union Black - Skindred 2011 Union Black 12 00:46:02
Union Black (Bonus) - Skindred 2011 Union Black (Bonus) 1 00:04:01
Shark Bites & Dog Fights - Skindred 2009 Shark Bites & Dog Fights 8 00:30:57 320 70.99 Mb 1.39€
Roots Rock Riot - Skindred 2007 Roots Rock Riot 12 00:45:04
Roots Rock Riot (Japan Edition) - Skindred 2007 Roots Rock Riot (Japan Edition) 14 00:51:58 320 119.24 Mb 2.42€
Babylon - Skindred 2002 Babylon 19 01:04:20
Skindred (Promo) - Skindred 2001 Skindred (Promo) 2 00:06:23
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Skindred are a British rock band formed in Wales in 1998 ans was formed by three members of the defunct Dub War band: Benji Webbe, Jeff "Death" Rose and Martin "Ginge" Ford.
Band combines elements of rock music, reggae, metal, dub, drum and bass and dubstep in their artworks. They also became known for their flamboyant and energetic live performances. The band has received two awards: "Devotion Award" from Kerrang! Awards and "Best Live Band from Metal Hammer.

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