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Discography  (total 19 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Cenotaph (CD 1) - Mechina 2023 Cenotaph (CD 1) 9 01:00:21 320 138.34 Mb 1.86€
Cenotaph (CD 2 - Instrumental) - Mechina 2023 Cenotaph (CD 2 - Instrumental) 7 00:53:12 320 121.97 Mb 1.52€
Venator - Mechina 2022 Venator 8 00:51:35 320 118.15 Mb 1.63€
Telesterion - Mechina 2019 Telesterion 8 01:00:00 320 137.53 Mb 1.73€
Telesterion (Instrumental) - Mechina 2019 Telesterion (Instrumental) 7 00:54:51 320 125.69 Mb 1.54€
As Embers Turn To Dust - Mechina 2017 As Embers Turn To Dust 10 01:05:24 320 152.61 Mb 2.06€
Progenitor - Mechina 2016 Progenitor 8 00:50:21 320 115.41 Mb 1.62€
Progenitor (Instrumental Edition) - Mechina 2016 Progenitor (Instrumental Edition) 7 00:48:46 320 111.76 Mb 1.47€
Progenitor [Special Edition] - Mechina 2016 Progenitor [Special Edition] 15 01:39:07 320 230.65 Mb 3.1€
Acheron - Mechina 2015 Acheron 11 01:06:15 320 151.95 Mb 2.19€
Acheron [Special Edition] - Mechina 2015 Acheron [Special Edition] 17 01:47:06 320 249.76 Mb 3.46€
Xenon - Mechina 2014 Xenon 10 00:49:40 320 113.87 Mb 1.87€
Empyrean - Mechina 2013 Empyrean 11 00:49:21 320 113.17 Mb 2€
Empyrean V.2 - Mechina 2013 Empyrean V.2 15 01:06:35 320 156.82 Mb 2.73€
Conqueror - Mechina 2011 Conqueror 9 00:37:44 320 86.52 Mb 1.6€
Conqueror [Special Edition] - Mechina 2011 Conqueror [Special Edition] 13 00:52:27 320 122.71 Mb 2.3€
The Assembly Of Tyrants - Mechina 2005 The Assembly Of Tyrants 10 00:46:32 VBR-217 68.65 Mb 1.64€
Demo - Mechina 2004 Demo 3 00:15:07 320 34.68 Mb 0.56€
Embrace The Breed (Demo) - Mechina 2004 Embrace The Breed (Demo) 3 00:12:32 320 28.75 Mb 0.53€
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