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Malevolent Creation

Malevolent Creation
Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven)
Discography  (total 19 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Monstrosity / Malevolent Creation (Split) - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2023 Monstrosity / Malevolent Creation (Split) *
[Split with Monstrosity ]
7 00:27:31 320 63.15 Mb 1.23€
The 13th Beast - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2019 The 13th Beast 11 00:49:22 VBR-320 113.2 Mb 2€
The Ten Commandments (Reissue) - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2018 The Ten Commandments (Reissue) 26 01:34:13 VBR-320 216.2 Mb 4.46€
Dead Man's Path - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2015 Dead Man's Path 10 00:44:27 320 101.94 Mb 1.81€
Creation Of Demos - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2012 Creation Of Demos 6 00:21:12 320 49.01 Mb 1.03€
Invidious Dominion (Limited Edition) - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2010 Invidious Dominion (Limited Edition) 13 00:43:05 VBR-212 93.69 Mb 2.16€
Invidious Dominion - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2010 Invidious Dominion 11 00:35:54
Doomsday X - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2007 Doomsday X 12 00:49:18
Warkult - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2004 Warkult 12 00:43:35 320 101.53 Mb 2.07€
The Will to Kill - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2002 The Will to Kill 11 00:41:30 320 95.9 Mb 1.91€
Envenomed - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 2000 Envenomed 11 00:41:38 320 95.63 Mb 1.91€
The Fine Art of Murder - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 1998 The Fine Art of Murder 13 00:56:15 320 129.04 Mb 2.34€
In Cold Blood - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 1997 In Cold Blood 13 00:41:58 320 96.31 Mb 2.17€
Eternal - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 1996 Eternal 12 00:47:11 320 108.27 Mb 2.1€
Stillborn - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 1993 Stillborn 10 00:42:26 320 97.31 Mb 1.79€
Retribution - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 1992 Retribution 9 00:34:04 320 78.12 Mb 1.56€
The Ten Commandments - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 1991 The Ten Commandments 10 00:38:12 320 87.64 Mb 1.74€
Demo 1990 - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 1990 Demo 1990 3 00:11:41 192 16.2 Mb 0.47€
Demo I - Malevolent Creation (ex-Resthaven) 1989 Demo I 3 00:10:17 192 14.35 Mb 0.46€
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