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Lian Ross

Lian Ross
Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel)
Pop  /  Dance
Euro-Dance  /  House  /  Disco  /  Ballads  /  Euro-Pop  /  Jazz-Pop  /  Synth Pop
Discography  (total 15 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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4You - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2023 4You 23 01:51:37 320 265.73 Mb 4.32€
3L Extended Versions - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2021 3L Extended Versions 9 01:02:00 320 142.55 Mb 1.88€
The Ballads - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2021 The Ballads 14 00:51:28 320 118.77 Mb 2.41€
3L - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2020 3L 13 00:52:14 320 120.75 Mb 2.29€
And The Beat Goes On (CD 1) - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2016 And The Beat Goes On (CD 1) 13 00:53:43 320 123.27 Mb 2.31€
And The Beat Goes On (CD 2) - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2016 And The Beat Goes On (CD 2) 9 00:40:53 320 93.75 Mb 1.64€
I Got The Beat - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2013 I Got The Beat 16 01:11:02 320 162.91 Mb 2.89€
Never Gonna Lose - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2006 Never Gonna Lose 15 01:13:06 320 167.61 Mb 2.79€
Say You'll Never - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2003 Say You'll Never 12 01:10:33 ABR-151 74.44 Mb 1.93€
Lian Ross - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 2000 Lian Ross 10 00:57:31 320 131.88 Mb 1.96€
Take My Life - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 1996 Take My Life 16 01:04:56 256 119.2 Mb 2.68€
Feel So Good - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 1992 Feel So Good 11 01:10:38
Fantasy - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 1987 Fantasy 11 01:13:34 256 134.82 Mb 2.1€
Creative Connection - Lian Ross (Josephine Hiebel) 1986 Creative Connection 12 01:16:51 256 140.97 Mb 2.26€
Call My Name (as 1985 Call My Name (as "Creative Connection") 11 01:06:45 256 122.43 Mb 2.04€
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