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Jean-Baptiste Lully

Jean-Baptiste Lully
Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist)
Discography  (total 41 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Ballet Music For The Sun King - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1996 Ballet Music For The Sun King
[Perfomed by Arcadia Baroque Ensemble ]
35 01:13:06 320 168.01 Mb 5.39€
Jean-Baptiste Lully - Ballet Music for the Sun King - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1996 Jean-Baptiste Lully - Ballet Music for the Sun King
[Perfomed by Aradia Ensemble ]
32 00:58:01 320 133.54 Mb 4.83€
Suites - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1994 Suites 29 00:41:38 320 95.8 Mb 4.25€
Музыкальная драма Фаэтон (CD 1) - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1994 Музыкальная драма Фаэтон (CD 1)
[Perfomed by Les Musiciens Du Louvre ]
3 01:18:15 320 181.94 Mb 1.3€
Музыкальная драма Фаэтон (CD 2) - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1994 Музыкальная драма Фаэтон (CD 2)
[Perfomed by Les Musiciens Du Louvre ]
3 01:02:05 320 144.93 Mb 1.11€
Armide (CD 1) - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1993 Armide (CD 1)
[Perfomed by La Chapelle Royale ]
3 01:18:34 320 179.88 Mb 1.29€
Armide (CD 2) - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1993 Armide (CD 2)
[Perfomed by La Chapelle Royale ]
3 01:17:15 320 176.85 Mb 1.27€
Divertissements - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1990 Divertissements
[Perfomed by Capriccio Stravagante ]
3 01:01:16 320 140.35 Mb 1.09€
Comedies Ballets - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1988 Comedies Ballets
[Perfomed by Les Musiciens Du Louvre ]
7 01:14:06 320 169.76 Mb 1.76€
Petits Motets - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1987 Petits Motets
[Perfomed by Les Arts Florissants ]
11 01:04:18 320 147.52 Mb 2.17€
Lully Grands Motets - Dies Irae - Jean-Baptiste Lully (Lully, Jean-Baptiste / Giovanni Battista di Lulli / Lulli Jean-Baptist) 1985 Lully Grands Motets - Dies Irae
[Perfomed by La Chapelle Royale ]
14 00:41:06 320 94.33 Mb 2.29€
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