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Georg Philipp Telemann

Georg Philipp Telemann
Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
Discography  (total 42 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Georg Philipp Telemann: Comical Opera - Damon (CD 3) - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1997 Georg Philipp Telemann: Comical Opera - Damon (CD 3)
[Perfomed by La Stagione ]
20 01:09:47 320 161.21 Mb 3.41€
La Flute Enchantee (CD 2) - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1997 La Flute Enchantee (CD 2)
[Perfomed by Jean-Pierre Rampal ]
14 01:18:48
Georg Philipp Telemann: Funeral Music for Garlieb Sillem - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1993 Georg Philipp Telemann: Funeral Music for Garlieb Sillem
[Perfomed by La Stagione ]
30 01:01:24 320 142.17 Mb 4.61€
Georg Philipp Telemann: Comical Opera - Don Quichotteauf Der Hochzeit Des Comacho - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1993 Georg Philipp Telemann: Comical Opera - Don Quichotteauf Der Hochzeit Des Comacho
[Perfomed by La Stagione ]
28 00:58:27 320 135.86 Mb 4.32€
Georg Philipp Telemann - Werke mit obligatem Cembalo (1739/40) - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1993 Georg Philipp Telemann - Werke mit obligatem Cembalo (1739/40)
[Perfomed by Andreas Staier ]
28 01:13:09 320 168.18 Mb 4.48€
Georg Philipp Telemann - Funeral Music for Garlieb Sillem - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1993 Georg Philipp Telemann - Funeral Music for Garlieb Sillem
[Perfomed by Christoph Pregardien ]
29 01:00:03 320 138.14 Mb 4.46€
Telemann - The 12 Fantasias for Transverse Flute without Bass - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1991 Telemann - The 12 Fantasias for Transverse Flute without Bass
[Perfomed by Kuijken, Barthold ]
12 00:47:09 320 108.27 Mb 2.1€
George Philipp Telemann - Cantatas (CD 1) - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1990 George Philipp Telemann - Cantatas (CD 1)
[Perfomed by Christoph Pregardien ]
24 00:55:57 320 128.69 Mb 3.76€
George Philipp Telemann - Cantatas (CD 2) - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1990 George Philipp Telemann - Cantatas (CD 2)
[Perfomed by Christoph Pregardien ]
19 00:53:28 320 122.81 Mb 3.08€
George Philipp Telemann - Cantatas (CD 3) - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1990 George Philipp Telemann - Cantatas (CD 3)
[Perfomed by Christoph Pregardien ]
25 01:02:09 320 142.92 Mb 3.96€
Telemann - Sonatas for Two Oboes - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1988 Telemann - Sonatas for Two Oboes
[Perfomed by Goritzki, Ingo ]
24 01:04:05 320 147.27 Mb 3.86€
Telemann: Paris Quartets (Feat. Jaap Schroder) - Georg Philipp Telemann (Telemann, Georg Philipp) 1964 Telemann: Paris Quartets (Feat. Jaap Schroder)
[Featuring Frans BruggenOrchestra Of The Eighteenth Century ]
38 01:45:51
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