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Elvis Presley

Discography  (total 218 Compilations, Remixes )
Albums | Live Albums | Compilations, Remixes
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Compilations, Remixes
Blue Christmas - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2020 Blue Christmas 24 01:07:52
The 50 Greatest Hits (CD 2) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2020 The 50 Greatest Hits (CD 2) 25 01:10:21
The 50 Greatest Hits (CD 1) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2020 The 50 Greatest Hits (CD 1) 25 00:56:31
Christmas With Elvis Vol. 2 - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2019 Christmas With Elvis Vol. 2 20 00:51:33
Elvis - Christmas Blues - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2019 Elvis - Christmas Blues 18 00:44:15
Elvis - Christmas Wishes - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2019 Elvis - Christmas Wishes 15 00:37:35
Merry Christmass Baby (CD 1) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2018 Merry Christmass Baby (CD 1) 10 00:23:24
Merry Christmass Baby (CD 2) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2018 Merry Christmass Baby (CD 2) 7 00:21:51
'68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 1) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2018 '68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 1) 11 00:56:21
'68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 2) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2018 '68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 2) 26 01:15:47
'68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 3) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2018 '68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 3) 27 01:16:27
'68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 4) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2018 '68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 4) 21 00:49:07
'68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 5) - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2018 '68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) (CD 5) 19 00:52:00
Elvis' Christmas Album plus - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2018 Elvis' Christmas Album plus 24 00:58:07
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 01: Elvis Presley] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 01: Elvis Presley] 12 00:28:47
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 02: Elvis] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 02: Elvis] 12 00:30:26
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 03: Loving You] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 03: Loving You] 13 00:29:05
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 04: Elvis Christmas Album] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 04: Elvis Christmas Album] 12 00:30:37
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 05: Elvis' Golden Records] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 05: Elvis' Golden Records] 14 00:33:45
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 06: King Creole] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 06: King Creole] 12 00:23:52
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 07: For LP Fans Only] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 07: For LP Fans Only] 12 00:28:30
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 08: A Date With Elvis] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 08: A Date With Elvis] 12 00:27:42
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 09: 50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 09: 50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong] 10 00:23:06
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 10: Elvis Is Back] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 10: Elvis Is Back] 12 00:32:12
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 11: G.I. Blues] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 11: G.I. Blues] 12 00:28:08
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 12: His Hand In Mine] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 12: His Hand In Mine] 12 00:28:05
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 13: Something for Everybody] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 13: Something for Everybody] 12 00:26:58
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 14: Blue Hawaii] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 14: Blue Hawaii] 14 00:32:20
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 15: Pot Luck] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 15: Pot Luck] 12 00:28:52
The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 16: Girls! Girls! Girls!] - Elvis Presley (Presley, Elvis Aaron) 2016 The RCA Albums Collection (60 CD Box-Set) [CD 16: Girls! Girls! Girls!] 13 00:29:08
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