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Eddie Kendricks

Eddie Kendricks
Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James)
R&B/Soul  /  Pop
Disco  /  Funk  /  Motown  /  Soul  /  Urban
Discography  (total 14 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Ruffin & Kendricks (Split) - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1987 Ruffin & Kendricks (Split)
[Split with David Ruffin ]
9 00:37:12
I've Got My Eyes On You - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1983 I've Got My Eyes On You 8 00:32:11 192 44.3 Mb 1.26€
Love Keys - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1981 Love Keys 10 00:40:16
Something More - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1979 Something More 7 00:31:49
Vintage '78 - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1978 Vintage '78 10 00:41:54
The Thin Man - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1977 The Thin Man 9 00:46:21 320 106.32 Mb 1.7€
Going Up In Smoke - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1976 Going Up In Smoke 10 00:40:10 320 92.13 Mb 1.76€
He's A Friend - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1976 He's A Friend 10 00:36:10 320 83.34 Mb 1.72€
The Hit Man - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1975 The Hit Man 8 00:37:34 320 86.2 Mb 1.47€
For You - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1974 For You 8 00:33:46 320 77.46 Mb 1.43€
Boogie Down - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1973 Boogie Down 10 00:42:07 320 96.66 Mb 1.78€
Keep On Truckin': The Motown Solo Albums, Vol.1 [Disc 2] - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1973 Keep On Truckin': The Motown Solo Albums, Vol.1 [Disc 2] 8 00:40:19 320 92.5 Mb 1.5€
People .... Hold On - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1972 People .... Hold On 10 00:41:33 320 95.29 Mb 1.78€
All By Myself - Eddie Kendricks (Kendrick, Edward James) 1971 All By Myself 7 00:29:14 192 40.24 Mb 1.11€
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