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Discography  (total 18 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Divisive - Disturbed 2022 Divisive 10 00:37:55
Evolution (Deluxe Edition) - Disturbed 2018 Evolution (Deluxe Edition) 14 00:59:56
Immortalized (Deluxe Edition) - Disturbed 2015 Immortalized (Deluxe Edition) 16 01:06:14
Immortalized (pre-order exclusive bonus track) - Disturbed 2015 Immortalized (pre-order exclusive bonus track) 1 00:03:28
The Sickness (10th Anniversary Edition) - Disturbed 2010 The Sickness (10th Anniversary Edition) 14 00:54:14
Asylum (Australian Deluxe Edition) - Disturbed 2010 Asylum (Australian Deluxe Edition) 15 01:03:05
Asylum (iTunes Deluxe Version) - Disturbed 2010 Asylum (iTunes Deluxe Version) 16 01:07:07
Indestructible - Disturbed 2008 Indestructible 12 00:49:12
Indestructible In Germany (DVDA) - Disturbed 2008 Indestructible In Germany (DVDA) 6 00:30:12
Indestructible (Deluxe Digital Release) - Disturbed 2008 Indestructible (Deluxe Digital Release) 15 01:02:43
Bonus Tracks - Disturbed 2007 Bonus Tracks 13 00:48:16
Ten Thousand Fists - Disturbed 2005 Ten Thousand Fists 14 00:56:22
Music As A Weapon II (DVDA) - Disturbed 2004 Music As A Weapon II (DVDA) 14 00:53:21
Believe - Disturbed 2002 Believe 12 00:47:18
M.O.L. (DVDA) - Disturbed 2002 M.O.L. (DVDA) 11 00:43:13
The Sickness - Disturbed 2000 The Sickness 12 00:47:57
The Sickness (Japan Edition) - Disturbed 2000 The Sickness (Japan Edition) 17 01:09:17 192 95.37 Mb 2.69€
The Sickness (Instrumental) - Disturbed 2000 The Sickness (Instrumental) 12 00:48:09 128 44.59 Mb 1.78€
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