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Chieftains (The Chieftains)
Discography  (total 31 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Voice Of Ages - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 2012 Voice Of Ages 15 01:04:03 320 146.81 Mb 2.68€
San Patricio - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 2010 San Patricio 19 01:01:39 320 141.57 Mb 3.18€
Further Down the Old Plank Road - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 2003 Further Down the Old Plank Road 16 00:54:57
Down The Old Plank Road: The Nashville Sessions - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 2002 Down The Old Plank Road: The Nashville Sessions 14 00:54:23
Water From The Well - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 2000 Water From The Well 17 01:02:48
Tears of Stone - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1999 Tears of Stone 14 01:08:39
Fire In The Kitchen - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1998 Fire In The Kitchen 11 00:51:19
Santiago - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1996 Santiago 15 00:57:42
The Long Black Veil - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1995 The Long Black Veil 13 00:59:03
The Chieftains 4 - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1995 The Chieftains 4 12 00:40:50 320 93.91 Mb 2.03€
The Year Of The French - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1995 The Year Of The French 14 00:45:00 192 62.43 Mb 2.13€
The Celtic Harp - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1993 The Celtic Harp 12 00:54:39
Another Country - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1992 Another Country 12 00:52:05
The Magic Of The Chieftains - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1992 The Magic Of The Chieftains 12 01:08:49 192 94.92 Mb 2.03€
The Bells of Dublin - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1991 The Bells of Dublin 23 01:02:51 320 144.33 Mb 3.71€
Reel Music - The Film Scores - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1991 Reel Music - The Film Scores 21 00:53:55
A Chieftains Celebration - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1989 A Chieftains Celebration 11 00:46:42
Irish Heartbeat - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1988 Irish Heartbeat 10 00:38:55
The Tailor Of Gloucester - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1988 The Tailor Of Gloucester 5 00:35:38
Celtic Wedding - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1986 Celtic Wedding 9 00:50:21 320 115.44 Mb 1.75€
The Chieftains In China - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1985 The Chieftains In China 10 00:51:36 320 118.52 Mb 1.89€
Ballad Of The Irish Horse - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1985 Ballad Of The Irish Horse 11 00:39:04 224 63.17 Mb 1.75€
The Chieftains 10 - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1981 The Chieftains 10 11 00:36:29 320 84.01 Mb 1.85€
The Chieftains 8 - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1979 The Chieftains 8 11 00:41:42
The Chieftains 9: Boil The Breakfast Early - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1979 The Chieftains 9: Boil The Breakfast Early 9 00:35:22
The Chieftains 7 - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1977 The Chieftains 7 10 00:44:03
The Chieftains 6: Bonaparte's Retreat - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1976 The Chieftains 6: Bonaparte's Retreat 8 00:48:20 320 110.99 Mb 1.59€
The Chieftains 5 - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1975 The Chieftains 5 10 00:44:40 320 102.61 Mb 1.81€
The Chieftains 3 - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1971 The Chieftains 3 12 00:41:44 320 96.16 Mb 2.04€
The Chieftains 2 - Chieftains (The Chieftains) 1969 The Chieftains 2 13 00:46:16 320 106.43 Mb 2.22€
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