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Discography  (total 213 Bootlegs )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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2020.06.08 - Beatles Tribute Set - Live from Out There, Brooklyn, NY - Beatles (The Beatles) 2020 2020.06.08 - Beatles Tribute Set - Live from Out There, Brooklyn, NY
[Tribute by Turkuaz ]
12 00:38:58 VBR-320 89.32 Mb 2.01€
The Beatles from A to Z (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2011 The Beatles from A to Z (CD 1) 24 00:55:16
The Beatles from A to Z (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2011 The Beatles from A to Z (CD 2) 23 00:51:53
The Red Light's On (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Red Light's On (CD 1)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
41 01:19:43 320 188.39 Mb 6.27€
The Red Light's On (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Red Light's On (CD 2)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
42 01:19:23 320 188.16 Mb 6.4€
The Red Light's On (CD 3) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Red Light's On (CD 3)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
32 01:18:52 320 184.61 Mb 5.08€
The Red Light's On (CD 4) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Red Light's On (CD 4)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
32 01:09:01 320 163.26 Mb 4.98€
The Red Light's On (CD 5) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Red Light's On (CD 5)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
19 01:12:28 320 168.85 Mb 3.31€
The Red Light's On (CD 6) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Red Light's On (CD 6)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
21 01:18:05 320 181.39 Mb 3.64€
The Red Light's On (CD 7) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Red Light's On (CD 7)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
22 01:10:21 320 163.8 Mb 3.68€
Rubber Soul Recording Sessions Reconstructed (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2008 Rubber Soul Recording Sessions Reconstructed (CD 1)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
30 01:07:23 320 156.9 Mb 4.68€
Revolver Sessions (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2008 Revolver Sessions (CD 1)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
29 01:12:27 320 169.79 Mb 4.62€
Rubber Soul Recording Sessions Reconstructed (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2008 Rubber Soul Recording Sessions Reconstructed (CD 2)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
30 01:12:20 320 168.34 Mb 4.74€
Revolver Sessions (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2008 Revolver Sessions (CD 2)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
35 01:09:26 320 164.27 Mb 5.37€
Rubber Soul Recording Sessions Reconstructed (CD 3) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2008 Rubber Soul Recording Sessions Reconstructed (CD 3)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
23 01:18:29 320 181.68 Mb 3.9€
Revolver Sessions (CD 3) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2008 Revolver Sessions (CD 3)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
33 01:11:11 320 167.14 Mb 5.13€
Rubber Soul Recording Sessions Reconstructed (CD 4) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2008 Rubber Soul Recording Sessions Reconstructed (CD 4)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
28 01:16:38 320 178.09 Mb 4.53€
Revolver Sessions (CD 4) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2008 Revolver Sessions (CD 4)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
28 01:04:28 320 151.32 Mb 4.4€
Oasis Cover The Beatles - Beatles (The Beatles) 2007 Oasis Cover The Beatles
[Tribute by Oasis ]
15 01:05:35
Back To The Glass Onion (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2007 Back To The Glass Onion (CD 1)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
16 00:53:33 320 124.29 Mb 2.7€
Back To The Glass Onion (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2007 Back To The Glass Onion (CD 2)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
17 01:02:14 320 145.57 Mb 2.94€
Back To The Glass Onion (CD 3) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2007 Back To The Glass Onion (CD 3)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
18 00:51:52 320 122.6 Mb 2.95€
Beatlemania Hit Mix (Bootleg) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2006 Beatlemania Hit Mix (Bootleg) 1 01:17:42
1969, January 02 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2004 1969, January 02 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 1)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
53 01:19:47 320 188.99 Mb 7.83€
1969, January 02 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2004 1969, January 02 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 2)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
43 01:19:41 320 188.1 Mb 6.53€
1969, January 03 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2004 1969, January 03 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 1)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
56 01:18:02 320 185.99 Mb 8.21€
1969, January 03 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2004 1969, January 03 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 2)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
41 01:19:37 320 187.71 Mb 6.27€
1969, January 03 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 3) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2004 1969, January 03 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 3)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
32 01:18:27 320 183.72 Mb 5.08€
1969, January 03 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 4) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2004 1969, January 03 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 4)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
29 01:16:34 320 179.03 Mb 4.67€
1969, January 06 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2004 1969, January 06 - A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions (CD 1)
[Tribute by The Beatles - The Bootleg Box-Set Collection ]
26 01:14:22 320 173.6 Mb 4.25€
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