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Discography  (total 144 Compilations, Remixes )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Live Albums | Compilations, Remixes | Bootlegs
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Compilations, Remixes
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1966 - Revolver - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1966 - Revolver 14 00:34:56
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1967 - Magical Mystery Tour - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1967 - Magical Mystery Tour 11 00:36:28
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1967 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 13 00:40:05
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1968 - The Beatles (The White Album) (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1968 - The Beatles (The White Album) (CD 1) 17 00:46:34
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1968 - The Beatles (The White Album) (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1968 - The Beatles (The White Album) (CD 2) 13 00:47:27
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1969 - Abbey Road - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1969 - Abbey Road 17 00:47:22
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1969 - Yellow Submarine - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1969 - Yellow Submarine 13 00:39:37
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1970 - Let It Be - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1970 - Let It Be 12 00:35:07
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1988 - Past Masters I & II (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1988 - Past Masters I & II (CD 1) 18 00:42:19
Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1988 - Past Masters I & II (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Remasters - Stereo Box Set - 1988 - Past Masters I & II (CD 2) 15 00:50:52
The Beatles Rock Band Mixes (Stereo) (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Beatles Rock Band Mixes (Stereo) (CD 1) 27 01:13:52
The Beatles Rock Band Mixes (Stereo) (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 The Beatles Rock Band Mixes (Stereo) (CD 2) 18 01:12:21
Greatest Hits - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Greatest Hits 41 02:02:13
Now And Then (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Now And Then (CD 1) 14 00:49:10
Now And Then (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Now And Then (CD 2) 14 00:45:32
Everyday Chemistry - Beatles (The Beatles) 2009 Everyday Chemistry 11 00:40:48
Let It Be... Naked (CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2003 Let It Be... Naked (CD 1) 11 00:34:59
Let It Be... Naked (CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2003 Let It Be... Naked (CD 2) 1 00:21:56
1 (27 Singles) - Beatles (The Beatles) 2000 1 (27 Singles) 27 01:18:53
Beatles '65 - Beatles VI - Beatles (The Beatles) 2000 Beatles '65 - Beatles VI 31 01:19:20
The Other Way Of Crossing - Beatles (The Beatles) 2000 The Other Way Of Crossing 25 01:08:59
Forever Gold (CD1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 1999 Forever Gold (CD1) 30 01:13:35
Forever Gold (CD2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 1999 Forever Gold (CD2) 25 01:13:25
Rock'n'roll - Beatles (The Beatles) 1996 Rock'n'roll 23 00:59:53
Anthology (Vol. 3 - CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 1996 Anthology (Vol. 3 - CD 1) 27 01:13:49
Anthology (Vol. 3 - CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 1996 Anthology (Vol. 3 - CD 2) 23 01:11:14
Anthology (Vol. 2 - CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 1996 Anthology (Vol. 2 - CD 1) 25 01:03:24
Anthology (Vol. 2 - CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 1996 Anthology (Vol. 2 - CD 2) 20 01:04:11
Anthology (Vol. 1 - CD 1) - Beatles (The Beatles) 1995 Anthology (Vol. 1 - CD 1) 34 01:05:11
Anthology (Vol. 1 - CD 2) - Beatles (The Beatles) 1995 Anthology (Vol. 1 - CD 2) 26 00:57:20
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