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Astral & Shit

Astral & Shit
Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков)
Discography  (total 108 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Cordis - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Cordis 7 01:32:20 320 212.59 Mb 1.97€
11168 - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 11168 8 01:35:52 320 221.85 Mb 2.15€
3 Hours - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 3 Hours 12 01:32:46 320 215.28 Mb 2.64€
Abstinenz - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Abstinenz 4 00:55:08 320 126.8 Mb 1.15€
Aqua Marina - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Aqua Marina 7 02:27:58 320 340.24 Mb 2.61€
Bardo - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Bardo 9 01:08:03 320 158.48 Mb 1.96€
Basic Signals - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Basic Signals 9 02:01:09 320 279.91 Mb 2.57€
Biopsyhoz - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Biopsyhoz 10 02:10:43 320 302.24 Mb 2.81€
Black Mask - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Black Mask 15 01:39:36 320 230.97 Mb 3.1€
Data - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Data 9 02:32:25 320 350.76 Mb 2.92€
Delight - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Delight 8 01:50:59 320 255.62 Mb 2.32€
Dual Bhel - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Dual Bhel 14 02:52:46 320 398.32 Mb 3.81€
Ex Machina - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Ex Machina 8 03:14:36 320 447.5 Mb 3.28€
Eyeseyes - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Eyeseyes 6 01:39:38 320 229.38 Mb 1.93€
Feedback - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Feedback 7 00:54:04 320 125.56 Mb 1.54€
Ferro Et Igni - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Ferro Et Igni 6 00:52:23 320 120.99 Mb 1.38€
Fog - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Fog 7 01:49:19 320 251.62 Mb 2.17€
Gadus Morhua - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Gadus Morhua 9 00:51:08 320 119.05 Mb 1.77€
Golem - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Golem 7 01:53:41 320 262.16 Mb 2.22€
Goodbye - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Goodbye 8 02:00:53 320 279.06 Mb 2.44€
In The Fall - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 In The Fall 9 02:01:14 320 280.16 Mb 2.57€
Is A Phase - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Is A Phase 9 01:32:55 320 214.75 Mb 2.24€
Kapella - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Kapella 7 01:13:38 320 170.1 Mb 1.76€
Katatonia - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Katatonia 9 03:01:40 320 418.37 Mb 3.26€
Lost In Moments - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Lost In Moments 7 01:30:42 320 209.47 Mb 1.96€
Magnesium Sulfate - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Magnesium Sulfate 9 01:02:18 320 143.7 Mb 1.89€
Make You Mine - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Make You Mine 10 01:35:56 320 219.98 Mb 2.4€
Monoblok - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Monoblok 9 02:04:27 320 286.92 Mb 2.6€
Morning Game - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Morning Game 7 01:41:25 320 233.46 Mb 2.08€
Mother - Astral & Shit (Astral And Shit, Ivan Gomzikov, Иван Гомзиков) 2015 Mother 6 01:19:03 320 182.89 Mb 1.69€
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