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Alex Puddu (DNK)

Alex Puddu (DNK)
Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires)
Discography  (total 19 Albums )
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Discotheque - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2020 Discotheque 11 00:45:29 320 104.29 Mb 1.95€
Gotta Keep It Rollin - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2018 Gotta Keep It Rollin 10 00:39:22 VBR-320 90.22 Mb 1.75€
The Gambler - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2018 The Gambler 12 00:34:31 VBR-320 79.3 Mb 1.96€
The Mark Of The Devil - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2017 The Mark Of The Devil 12 00:42:33 320 97.98 Mb 2.05€
From the Beginning - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2017 From the Beginning 10 00:33:16 320 77.13 Mb 1.69€
In The Eye Of The Cat - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2016 In The Eye Of The Cat 11 00:40:38 320 93.56 Mb 1.9€
Golden Age Of Danish Pornography, Vol. 3 - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2016 Golden Age Of Danish Pornography, Vol. 3 12 00:40:16 320 92.94 Mb 2.02€
Soultiger - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2015 Soultiger 10 00:43:50 320 100.83 Mb 1.8€
Black Sugar - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2015 Black Sugar 9 00:34:51 320 79.9 Mb 1.57€
Golden Age Of Danish Pornography, Vol. 2 - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2014 Golden Age Of Danish Pornography, Vol. 2 10 00:31:32 320 72.73 Mb 1.66€
Registrazioni Al Buio - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2013 Registrazioni Al Buio 14 00:44:49 192 62.29 Mb 2.13€
Golden Age Of Danish Pornography, Vol. 1 - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2012 Golden Age Of Danish Pornography, Vol. 1 14 00:57:08 320 131.62 Mb 2.48€
Myrrh - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2010 Myrrh 9 00:37:56 320 87.56 Mb 1.61€
The Silence Of The Sun And The Rhythm Of The Rain - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2005 The Silence Of The Sun And The Rhythm Of The Rain 8 00:41:34 320 95.65 Mb 1.52€
Chasing The Scorpions Tale - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2004 Chasing The Scorpions Tale 9 00:50:45 320 116.71 Mb 1.75€
Time To Grow - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2001 Time To Grow 10 00:44:45 320 103.08 Mb 1.82€
Star 70 - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 2000 Star 70 10 00:47:38
Freakuency - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 1998 Freakuency 10 00:48:03
Nerve - Speedfreak Jive - Alex Puddu (DNK) (Alessandro Puddu, Alex Puddu & Butterfly Collectors, Puddu Varano, Alex Puddu & The Moonfires) 1996 Nerve - Speedfreak Jive 13 00:50:09
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