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Heads (GBR)

Heads (GBR)
Heads (GBR) (The Heads)
Discography  (total 15 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Enten - Eller - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2012 Enten - Eller 5 00:48:45 320 111.68 Mb 1.21€
Vertigo Swill - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2011 Vertigo Swill 21 00:51:08 320 117.42 Mb 3.32€
Collisions V.1 (Split with The Heads) - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2009 Collisions V.1 (Split with The Heads)
[Split with White Hills ]
2 00:39:33 320 90.54 Mb 0.71€
Bedlam - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2008 Bedlam 2 00:47:04 192 64.67 Mb 0.58€
Irrepressible Heads - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2008 Irrepressible Heads 15 01:09:40 VBR-283 127.64 Mb 2.59€
Tilburg - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2008 Tilburg 7 01:02:04 320 142.2 Mb 1.62€
Under the Stress of a Headlong Dive - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2006 Under the Stress of a Headlong Dive 18 01:09:32 320 159.54 Mb 3.14€
33 (Vinyl LP) - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2005 33 (Vinyl LP) 2 00:49:35 VBR-216 75.83 Mb 0.64€
Dead in the Water - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2005 Dead in the Water 4 01:18:40 320 180.12 Mb 1.42€
Session II - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2003 Session II 2 00:46:00 VBR-258 81.23 Mb 0.67€
At Last! - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2003 At Last! 10 00:49:13 128 45.14 Mb 1.53€
Sessions 02 - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2002 Sessions 02 6 00:59:16 192 81.45 Mb 1.19€
Under Sided - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2002 Under Sided 8 01:09:41 320 159.65 Mb 1.84€
Everybody Knows We Got Nowhere - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 2000 Everybody Knows We Got Nowhere 16 01:13:23 320 168.3 Mb 2.92€
Relaxing With the Heads - Heads (GBR) (The Heads) 1995 Relaxing With the Heads 10 00:44:19 192 46.14 Mb 1.53€
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