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Skullflower (Skvllflower)
Experimental  /  Ambient  /  Noise
Discography  (total 26 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Angel Of Darkness (feat.) - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2016 Angel Of Darkness (feat.)
[Featuring Der Blutharsch ]
5 00:35:15
Kino II: Form Destroyer - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2013 Kino II: Form Destroyer 10 01:16:29 320 175.27 Mb 2.18€
Strange Keys to Untune God's Firmament (CD 1) - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2010 Strange Keys to Untune God's Firmament (CD 1) 6 01:00:28 VBR-319 125.25 Mb 1.41€
Strange Keys to Untune God's Firmament (CD 2) - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2010 Strange Keys to Untune God's Firmament (CD 2) 6 00:48:41 VBR-319 110.74 Mb 1.33€
Malediction - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2009 Malediction 3 00:52:02 VBR-205 72.73 Mb 0.75€
Circulus Vitiosus Deus (CD 1) - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2008 Circulus Vitiosus Deus (CD 1) 11 01:08:09 VBR-222 87.07 Mb 1.87€
Circulus Vitiosus Deus (CD 2) - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2008 Circulus Vitiosus Deus (CD 2) 8 00:53:54 VBR-247 75.98 Mb 1.42€
Circulus Vitiosus Deus (CD 3) - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2008 Circulus Vitiosus Deus (CD 3) 10 01:08:31 VBR-231 93.19 Mb 1.77€
Desire For A Holy War - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2008 Desire For A Holy War 7 00:55:13 320 120.15 Mb 1.51€
La Noche De Walpurgis - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2008 La Noche De Walpurgis 6 00:48:57 320 112.18 Mb 1.34€
Pure Imperial Reform - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2008 Pure Imperial Reform 1 00:42:06 VBR-188 56.68 Mb 0.41€
Taste The Blood Of The Deceiver - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2008 Taste The Blood Of The Deceiver 6 00:36:31 320 83.73 Mb 1.2€
Abyssic Lowland Hiss - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2007 Abyssic Lowland Hiss 5 00:54:27 VBR-236 84.54 Mb 1.07€
Tribulation - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2006 Tribulation 5 00:35:58 VBR-219 53.98 Mb 0.92€
Orange Canyon Mind - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2005 Orange Canyon Mind 8 01:00:59 VBR-236 86.74 Mb 1.47€
Exquisite Fucking Boredom - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2003 Exquisite Fucking Boredom 6 01:12:46 192 100.09 Mb 1.28€
This Is - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 2002 This Is 4 01:18:00 256 142.89 Mb 1.23€
Argon - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1995 Argon 4 01:18:32 256 143.87 Mb 1.24€
Infinityland - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1995 Infinityland 6 00:53:45 320 123.14 Mb 1.4€
Transformer - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1995 Transformer 9 01:12:49 VBR-200 101.3 Mb 1.68€
Carved Into Roses - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1994 Carved Into Roses 6 01:00:52 VBR-202 85.88 Mb 1.21€
Last Shot At Heaven - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1993 Last Shot At Heaven 8 01:03:41 192 87.57 Mb 1.48€
Obsidian Shaking Codex - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1993 Obsidian Shaking Codex 5 01:13:32 192 101.06 Mb 1.16€
IIIrd Gatekeeper - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1992 IIIrd Gatekeeper 9 01:02:46 320 144.43 Mb 1.89€
Xaman - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1990 Xaman 7 01:07:41 320 155.21 Mb 1.69€
Form Destroyer - Skullflower (Skvllflower) 1989 Form Destroyer 6 00:42:40 320 97.8 Mb 1.27€
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