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Joëlle Léandre

Discography  (total 19 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums | Bootlegs
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Elastic (feat. Theo Ceccaldi) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2016 Elastic (feat. Theo Ceccaldi)
[Featuring Theo Ceccaldi ]
7 00:38:30 320 88.24 Mb 1.35€
Transatlantic Visions (split) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2009 Transatlantic Visions (split)
[Split with George Lewis Ragtime Jazzband ]
7 00:52:04 320 119.28 Mb 1.51€
KOR - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2008 KOR 7 00:51:25
Out of Nowhere (feat. Quentin Sirjacq) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2008 Out of Nowhere (feat. Quentin Sirjacq)
[Featuring Sirjacq, Quentin ]
11 00:49:57 320 114.56 Mb 2€
9 Moments - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2007 9 Moments
[Tribute by Houle, Francois ]
9 00:51:31 320 118.09 Mb 1.76€
Lauren Newton, Joelle Leandre - Face It! (feat.) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2005 Lauren Newton, Joelle Leandre - Face It! (feat.)
[Featuring Newton, Lauren ]
10 00:42:40
After You Gone (split) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2004 After You Gone (split)
[Split with Phillips, Barre ]
6 01:03:40
Firedances (split) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2003 Firedances (split)
[Split with Cooke, India ]
7 00:52:08 320 119.5 Mb 1.51€
Passaggio (split) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2002 Passaggio (split)
[Split with Courvoisier, Sylvie ]
12 00:47:47 320 109.62 Mb 2.11€
Joëlle Léandre & Kazue Sawai - Organic - Mineral Joëlle Léandre & Kazue Sawai ‎– Organic - Mineral - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2001 Joëlle Léandre & Kazue Sawai - Organic - Mineral Joëlle Léandre & Kazue Sawai ‎– Organic - Mineral 8 00:48:54 320 112.06 Mb 1.6€
Joelle Leandre Project - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2000 Joelle Leandre Project 10 00:46:07
Joelle Leandre, Danielle Palardy Roger - Tricotage - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2000 Joelle Leandre, Danielle Palardy Roger - Tricotage 9 00:41:31 320 95.27 Mb 1.65€
The Storming of the Winter Palace (feat.) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 2000 The Storming of the Winter Palace (feat.)
[Featuring Irene Schweizer ]
3 00:51:16 320 117.39 Mb 0.98€
Joelle Leandre, Sebi Tramontana - E'Vero - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 1999 Joelle Leandre, Sebi Tramontana - E'Vero 9 00:48:05
Contrabasses (split) - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 1998 Contrabasses (split)
[Split with Parker, William ]
6 00:54:17
Joëlle Léandre, Carlos Zingaro ‎- Ecritures - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 1996 Joëlle Léandre, Carlos Zingaro ‎- Ecritures 15 00:44:21 320 101.83 Mb 2.46€
Joelle Leandre's Canvas Trio - L'Histoire De Mme. Tasco - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 1993 Joelle Leandre's Canvas Trio - L'Histoire De Mme. Tasco 11 00:43:30 320 99.88 Mb 1.93€
Urban Bass - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 1991 Urban Bass 9 01:00:56 320 139.75 Mb 1.87€
Les Douze Sons - Joëlle Léandre (Joelle Leandre) 1984 Les Douze Sons 12 00:42:44 320 98.06 Mb 2.05€
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