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Mathias Grassow

Mathias Grassow
Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan)
Ambient  /  Drone  /  Electronic
Discography  (total 127 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Wisdoom (part 1) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2015 Wisdoom (part 1) 2 01:04:25 320 147.48 Mb 1€
Wisdoom (part 2) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2015 Wisdoom (part 2) 3 01:20:38 320 184.6 Mb 1.31€
Wisdoom (part 3) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2015 Wisdoom (part 3) 3 00:59:17 320 135.73 Mb 1.07€
Wisdoom (part 4) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2015 Wisdoom (part 4) 1 01:01:04 320 139.81 Mb 0.83€
Wisdoom (part 5) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2015 Wisdoom (part 5) 1 00:58:49 320 134.65 Mb 0.8€
Dagaz - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2013 Dagaz 5 01:11:08 320 162.89 Mb 1.46€
Sonnenwende (CD 1: Summer Solstice) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2013 Sonnenwende (CD 1: Summer Solstice) 4 01:15:15 320 172.33 Mb 1.38€
Sonnenwende (CD 2: Winter Solstice) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2013 Sonnenwende (CD 2: Winter Solstice) 4 01:18:00 320 178.56 Mb 1.41€
Tamanoshima - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2013 Tamanoshima 4 01:19:48 320 182.7 Mb 1.43€
Alchemystery - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2012 Alchemystery 4 02:08:07 320 293.27 Mb 1.99€
Bloodmoon - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2012 Bloodmoon 4 01:15:59 320 173.97 Mb 1.39€
Daemmerung - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2012 Daemmerung 6 01:13:13 VBR-232 113.32 Mb 1.35€
Mosaic - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2012 Mosaic 3 00:44:45 320 102.49 Mb 0.9€
Second Gift of Life - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2012 Second Gift of Life 5 01:09:26 VBR-230 113.25 Mb 1.22€
Uttarakuru - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2012 Uttarakuru 2 02:28:56 VBR-233 242.39 Mb 1.47€
Wisdom of Fate - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2012 Wisdom of Fate 10 02:36:54 VBR-239 245.84 Mb 2.53€
Quiet Calling III - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2011 Quiet Calling III 4 01:08:44 320 157.37 Mb 1.31€
Farewell (Split) (CD 1) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2010 Farewell (Split) (CD 1)
[Split with Weissб Tomas ]
6 01:11:08 VBR-216 99.47 Mb 1.28€
Farewell (Split) (CD 2) - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2010 Farewell (Split) (CD 2)
[Split with Weissб Tomas ]
1 00:20:07 VBR-199 28.65 Mb 0.27€
Aestrata - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2010 Aestrata 4 00:46:28 320 106.37 Mb 1.05€
Electric Angels - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2010 Electric Angels 7 00:59:28 320 136.29 Mb 1.59€
Praha Meditations - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2010 Praha Meditations 8 01:11:00 320 162.66 Mb 1.85€
Cromo Piano & Drones - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2010 Cromo Piano & Drones 6 01:01:57 320 141.86 Mb 1.49€
Calibration - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2009 Calibration 6 01:04:41 320 148.15 Mb 1.52€
Neural Response - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2009 Neural Response 1 00:06:44 192 9.26 Mb 0.18€
Quiet Calling II - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2009 Quiet Calling II 6 00:57:19 320 131.22 Mb 1.44€
Transpersonal - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2009 Transpersonal 3 01:09:23 320 158.86 Mb 1.18€
Ambessence Piano & Drones - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2008 Ambessence Piano & Drones 7 01:01:47 320 141.58 Mb 1.62€
Inner Path - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2008 Inner Path 3 01:12:25 320 165.8 Mb 1.22€
Deep - Breath - Silence - Mathias Grassow (Grassow, Mathias Stephan) 2007 Deep - Breath - Silence 5 01:11:12 320 163.07 Mb 1.47€
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