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Mesrine (CAN)

Mesrine (CAN)
Mesrine (CAN)
Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
Source Of Hatred - Mesrine (CAN) 2017 Source Of Hatred 23 00:30:40 VBR-309 66.66 Mb 3.32€
Mesrine / Camphora Monobromata / Vomit Contest / Rotocles (split) - Mesrine (CAN) 2012 Mesrine / Camphora Monobromata / Vomit Contest / Rotocles (split)
[Split with Camphora Monobromata ]
28 00:34:17 320 78.97 Mb 4.03€
Obsessive Compulsive - Mesrine (CAN) 2010 Obsessive Compulsive 41 00:37:42 320 87.14 Mb 5.77€
Crushed Pieces (Split) - Mesrine (CAN) 2008 Crushed Pieces (Split)
[Split with Trepan' Dead ]
25 00:45:51 VBR-190 58.66 Mb 3.54€
Unidentified (CD 1) - Mesrine (CAN) 2007 Unidentified (CD 1) 18 00:41:13 VBR-260 73.94 Mb 2.71€
Unidentified (CD 2) - Mesrine (CAN) 2007 Unidentified (CD 2) 19 00:50:33 VBR-240 85.61 Mb 2.9€
Cover Song Session / Crosse-Crust - Mesrine (CAN) 2006 Cover Song Session / Crosse-Crust 22 00:38:17 VBR-242 60.35 Mb 3.16€
Mesrine & Badtrippe (Split) - Mesrine (CAN) 2006 Mesrine & Badtrippe (Split)
[Split with BadTrippe ]
22 00:38:12 320 87.88 Mb 3.3€
I Choose Murder - Mesrine (CAN) 2005 I Choose Murder 20 00:33:34 VBR-300 70.14 Mb 2.95€
Die Toten Tage Kommen...  ...Sooner Than Later  (Split) - Mesrine (CAN) 2004 Die Toten Tage Kommen... ...Sooner Than Later (Split)
[Split with Depression (DEU) ]
24 00:44:40 320 102.75 Mb 3.63€
Promo - Mesrine (CAN) 2001 Promo 6 00:08:11 192 11.32 Mb 0.84€
Mesrine & Traumatism & Nyctophobic (Split) - Mesrine (CAN) 2000 Mesrine & Traumatism & Nyctophobic (Split)
[Split with Traumatism Nyctophobic ]
27 00:41:06 256 75.7 Mb 3.89€
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