This band never ceases to amaze with its rock operas, combining and uniting many styles and genres in the sound of a conceptual musical lace, managing to successfully combine them in a single musical pattern
The captivating charm of a musical fairy tale in the atmospheric sound of this musical artwork combines drive, power, fury and charm in a joint artistic unity
Drive variations, genre shades and stylistic searches embody the unity of drive, melody and vocal charisma in this album, creating a memorable artistic image
The symphonic shades and artistic charm of this release are enveloping the vocals in the brooding variety of its musical fairy tales lyrical storytelling
A captivating unity of modern musical influences, the vocals charm of a singing lady and stylistic diversity successfully embodies this musical artwork
The sound of this album captivatingly combines melody and drive, complementing the musical variations with the charm of vocals diversity, artistically and progressively uniting them in a common musical dance
Combining a mysterious atmosphere and intriguing nuances, the sound of this musical fairy tale fascinates and takes you on an exciting journey through a ghostly haze.
The very diverse and varied sound of this album is able to captivate and interest fans of many different genres or open up new areas and horizons for true melomans
Furious musical drive is combined in the unrestrained and deadly dance of this release with angry vocal phrases alternating and combining screaming and growling vocals
The bewitching charm of folklore motifs and captivating fairy tales, combined with captivating musical power, creates an impressive atmosphere in this album