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Obligatorisk Tortyr

Obligatorisk Tortyr
Power It Up Records
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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Dod & Forintelse stereo 2.97 Mb VBR-246 01:41 0.14€
2 Life Is Fucked stereo 2.61 Mb VBR-230 01:34 0.14€
3 Misar stereo 2.37 Mb VBR-233 01:25 0.14€
4 Fjyttrad stereo 2.77 Mb VBR-231 01:40 0.14€
5 Illusionen Av Frihet stereo 1.62 Mb VBR-205 01:06 0.14€
6 Slit Wrists stereo 3.25 Mb VBR-223 02:01 0.15€
7 Ett Anstandigt Liv stereo 1.94 Mb VBR-234 01:09 0.14€
8 Jarnnave stereo 2.05 Mb VBR-234 01:12 0.14€
9 Mellan Hopp & Furtvivlan stereo 2.16 Mb VBR-230 01:18 0.14€
10 Bloodthirst & Hate stereo 3.17 Mb VBR-241 01:50 0.15€
11 Dodens Svarta Vingar stereo 4.01 Mb VBR-218 02:33 0.15€
12 Peel Off The Remains stereo 2.43 Mb VBR-224 01:30 0.14€
13 Mer Vald stereo 2.14 Mb VBR-233 01:16 0.14€
14 Under Ytan stereo 2.09 Mb VBR-237 01:13 0.14€
15 Utrotning Narmar Sig stereo 2.52 Mb VBR-231 01:31 0.14€
16 Dodsorganism stereo 2.97 Mb VBR-238 01:44 0.14€
17 Total Katastrof stereo 1.57 Mb VBR-226 00:57 0.14€
18 En Annan Verklighet stereo 1.9 Mb VBR-235 01:07 0.14€
19 Allt Deformeras stereo 2.93 Mb VBR-240 01:42 0.14€
20 Nekrosniffning Av Kremerat Kadaver stereo 2.25 Mb VBR-229 01:21 0.14€
21 Doda Allt stereo 2 Mb VBR-233 01:11 0.14€
22 Annu En Annan Verklighet stereo 1.76 Mb VBR-237 01:02 0.14€
23 Relic stereo 2.09 Mb VBR-236 01:13 0.14€
24 Broarna Branns stereo 2.7 Mb VBR-238 01:34 0.14€
25 Skulptur stereo 2.3 Mb VBR-215 01:29 0.14€
26 Skiftnycklar stereo 2.93 Mb VBR-236 01:43 0.14€
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Total time:38:02
Total size:63.50 Mb
Total price:3.67