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Napalm Death

Napalm Death
From Enslavement to Obliteration
Also suggested:

From Enslavement to Obliteration

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# Track title Length Lyrics
1 Evolved as One 03:13
2 It's a M.A.N.S. World 00:54
3 Lucid Fairytale 01:02
4 Private Death 00:35
5 Impressions 00:35
6 Unchallenged Hate 02:07
7 Uncertainty Blurs the Vision 00:41
8 Cock Rock Alienation 01:20
9 Retreat to Nowhere 00:30
10 Think for a Minute 01:43
11 Display to Me 02:44
12 From Enslavement to Obliteration 01:36
13 Blind to the Truth 00:22
14 Social Sterility 01:03
15 Emotional Suffocation 01:06
16 Practice What You Preach 01:24
17 Inconceivable 01:06
18 Worlds Apart 01:24
19 Obstinate Direction 01:02
20 Mentally Murdered 02:14
21 Sometimes 01:06
22 Make Way 01:36
23 Musclehead 00:50
24 Your Acheivement 00:06
25 Dead 00:05
26 Morbid Deceiver 00:45
27 The Curse 03:17