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Various Artists [Hard]

Various Artists [Hard]
Reallity Shows Vol. 2 (Side B) split
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Reallity Shows Vol. 2 (Side B) split

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Mutuo Respeto (Denak) stereo 1.83 Mb 192 01:19 0.14€
2 Anticonstitucional (Denak) stereo 0.87 Mb 192 00:37 0.13€
3 The Hideos Poet (Rot) stereo 0.97 Mb 192 00:42 0.13€
4 Puppet (Rot) stereo 0.44 Mb 192 00:18 0.13€
5 La Jodiste Morgan (Coprofilia) stereo 1.03 Mb 192 00:44 0.14€
6 A La Mierda Todo (Coprofilia) stereo 0.6 Mb 192 00:26 0.13€
7 Muerete (Coprofilia) stereo 0.82 Mb 192 00:35 0.13€
8 Cannibal X-Mass (Tumor) stereo 0.56 Mb 192 00:24 0.13€
9 Man Micronizer (Tumor) stereo 0.37 Mb 192 00:16 0.13€
10 Brain Jam (Tumor) stereo 0.31 Mb 192 00:13 0.13€
11 Contaminated Corpse (Tumor) stereo 0.97 Mb 192 00:42 0.13€
12 Busload Of Blood (Tumor) stereo 0.33 Mb 192 00:14 0.13€
13 Disrelish For Properities (Tumor) stereo 0.23 Mb 192 00:09 0.13€
14 Brutally Murdered (Tumor) stereo 1.23 Mb 192 00:53 0.14€
15 Mucuous Pleuroneumonia (Tumor) stereo 0.4 Mb 192 00:17 0.13€
16 Coroner?s Inquest (Tumor) stereo 0.25 Mb 192 00:10 0.13€
17 Napalmidabutsu (live) (Carcass Grinder) stereo 0.9 Mb 192 00:39 0.13€
18 Kubi Penis (live) (Carcass Grinder) stereo 3.11 Mb 192 02:15 0.15€
19 Skin Dead (Proyecto Terror) stereo 1.16 Mb 192 00:50 0.14€
20 Carrascal Es Uno Bastardo (Proyecto Terror) stereo 0.79 Mb 192 00:34 0.13€
21 Some Tracks From Their Unreleased EP?95 (Extreme Smoke) stereo 2.19 Mb 192 01:35 0.14€
22 What For_ (Noiseslaughter) stereo 2.78 Mb 192 02:01 0.14€
23 MC Rip (Noiseslaughter) stereo 0.67 Mb 192 00:29 0.13€
24 1,2,3,4 (Debilana) stereo 0.75 Mb 192 00:32 0.13€
25 Marica-Ljepotica (Debilana) stereo 1.03 Mb 192 00:44 0.14€
26 Radije Volim (Cripple Bastards) stereo 1.8 Mb 192 01:18 0.14€
27 T.L.O.H. (Cripple Bastards) stereo 1.78 Mb 192 01:17 0.14€
28 Swastikas The Rich And Famous (Mexican Power Authority) stereo 0.8 Mb 192 00:34 0.13€
29 Orthogonalizational Vigilator (Mexican Power Authority) stereo 1.7 Mb 192 01:13 0.14€
30 Eskimomalt (Mexican Power Authority) stereo 0.29 Mb 192 00:12 0.13€
31 Hyperspace (Mexican Power Authority) stereo 0.53 Mb 192 00:22 0.13€
32 We Need Several Lammas (Mexican Power Authority) stereo 1.72 Mb 192 01:14 0.14€
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Total time:23:48
Total size:33.19 Mb
Total price:4.29