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Mike Stern

Mike Stern
Mike Stern (Stern, Mike)
Discography  (total 24 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums | Bootlegs
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Eleven (feat. Jeff Lorber Fusion) - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2019 Eleven (feat. Jeff Lorber Fusion)
[Featuring Jeff Lorber Fusion ]
10 00:53:54 320 123.62 Mb 1.92€
Trip - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2017 Trip 11 01:06:03 320 151.38 Mb 2.19€
Eclectic (feat. Mike Stern) - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2014 Eclectic (feat. Mike Stern)
[Featuring Eric Johnson ]
12 01:12:18
Crossings Project (split) - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2013 Crossings Project (split)
[Split with Karo Glazer ]
10 01:06:36 320 153.58 Mb 2.07€
All Over The Place - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2012 All Over The Place 11 01:15:23 320 172.75 Mb 2.29€
Big Neighborhood - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2009 Big Neighborhood 11 01:09:50 320 160.7 Mb 2.23€
Lifecycle (Split) - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2008 Lifecycle (Split)
[Split with Yellowjackets ]
10 01:02:43 320 143.87 Mb 2.02€
Who Let The Cats Out - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2006 Who Let The Cats Out 11 01:13:43 320 169.68 Mb 2.28€
These Times - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2004 These Times 11 01:09:37 320 160.75 Mb 2.23€
4 Generations Of Miles - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2002 4 Generations Of Miles 9 01:07:02 320 153.57 Mb 1.94€
4 Generations of Miles - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2002 4 Generations of Miles
[Tribute by Coleman, George ]
9 01:07:02 320 153.57 Mb 1.94€
Voices - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 2001 Voices 9 00:58:43
Play - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1999 Play 10 01:02:28
Give And Take - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1997 Give And Take 11 01:03:42
Between The Lines - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1996 Between The Lines 10 01:10:22
Is What It Is - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1994 Is What It Is 9 00:56:19
Standards And Other Songs - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1992 Standards And Other Songs 11 01:01:29
Dedication (split) - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1992 Dedication (split)
[Split with Bernard Bunny Brunel ]
10 01:10:12 320 161.45 Mb 2.11€
Games (split) - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1992 Games (split)
[Split with Berg, Bob ]
3 00:48:40 320 111.4 Mb 0.95€
Odds Or Evens - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1991 Odds Or Evens 8 00:53:21
Jigsaw - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1989 Jigsaw 7 00:46:39
Time In Place - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1988 Time In Place 7 00:45:21
Upside Downside - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1986 Upside Downside 6 00:35:34
Neesh - Mike Stern (Stern, Mike) 1983 Neesh 7 00:39:35 320 91.31 Mb 1.37€
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