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Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai)
Discography  (total 25 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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End - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2014 End 7 00:38:27 320 88.28 Mb 1.35€
Ministry Of Shit - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2013 Ministry Of Shit 10 00:40:18 320 92.85 Mb 1.76€
Rituals - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2013 Rituals 6 00:33:07 VBR-276 63.22 Mb 1.1€
Dissection - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2012 Dissection 8 00:22:41 320 52.4 Mb 1.3€
Nineties Rave Retrospective Volume 2 - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2012 Nineties Rave Retrospective Volume 2 4 00:28:19 320 64.94 Mb 0.84€
Splitshit - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2012 Splitshit 51 02:21:06 VBR-249 257.07 Mb 7.92€
Wake Up, Painful Sister! - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2012 Wake Up, Painful Sister! 9 00:38:29 320 88.75 Mb 1.61€
Bleak - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2011 Bleak 8 00:40:09 320 94.33 Mb 1.51€
Blue Girl On Sunday - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2011 Blue Girl On Sunday 7 00:41:09 320 96.23 Mb 1.39€
GNB - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2011 GNB 5 00:26:35 320 63.21 Mb 0.97€
Nineties Rave Retrospective Volume 1 - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2011 Nineties Rave Retrospective Volume 1 5 00:16:52 320 39.5 Mb 0.85€
Overspecialized - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2011 Overspecialized 11 00:47:09 192 66.31 Mb 1.76€
Semantic Compositions On Death And Its Meaning - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2011 Semantic Compositions On Death And Its Meaning 3 00:17:50 320 41.16 Mb 0.6€
Dancefloor Degrader - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2010 Dancefloor Degrader 9 00:30:56 192 44.43 Mb 1.39€
Mainstream Muthafucka! - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2010 Mainstream Muthafucka! 6 00:31:25 192 46.57 Mb 1.01€
Steppa - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2010 Steppa 11 00:49:36 192 70.17 Mb 1.78€
Ureshii! - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2010 Ureshii! 5 00:22:29 192 31.85 Mb 0.81€
My Love Feels All Wrong - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2009 My Love Feels All Wrong 8 00:30:37 192 42.45 Mb 1.25€
Otakutone Mega High Speed Remix Party Album - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2009 Otakutone Mega High Speed Remix Party Album 12 00:07:29 192 13.2 Mb 1.63€
The Incubus Mark/Pulse Of Awakening - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2009 The Incubus Mark/Pulse Of Awakening 5 00:23:37 192 33.35 Mb 0.82€
With All My Heart - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2009 With All My Heart 7 00:35:51 192 49.87 Mb 1.16€
Tomboyish Love For Daughter - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2008 Tomboyish Love For Daughter 10 00:23:19 192 33.62 Mb 1.47€
Where Is Soda Pop And Apple Sweets? - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2008 Where Is Soda Pop And Apple Sweets? 9 00:26:47 320 46.2 Mb 1.4€
Old Shit Wot Never Got Released But Now Kind Of Has In This Nifty Little Zip File - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2007 Old Shit Wot Never Got Released But Now Kind Of Has In This Nifty Little Zip File 4 00:12:32 192 13.47 Mb 0.59€
Watashi Wa Baka Yaro Desu - Goreshit (Leon Makepeace / hana sumai) 2007 Watashi Wa Baka Yaro Desu 5 00:29:48 128 28.16 Mb 0.79€
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