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Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Filofobia (Deluxe Edition, CD 1) - Amduscia 2013 Filofobia (Deluxe Edition, CD 1) 12 01:05:45 320 150.62 Mb 2.31€
Filofobia (Deluxe Edition, CD 2) - Amduscia 2013 Filofobia (Deluxe Edition, CD 2) 9 00:41:55 320 96.13 Mb 1.65€
Death, Thou Shalt Die - Amduscia 2011 Death, Thou Shalt Die 14 01:12:04 VBR-254 119.04 Mb 2.42€
Madness In Abyss (CD 1) - Amduscia 2008 Madness In Abyss (CD 1) 12 01:03:05 320 144.62 Mb 2.28€
Madness In Abyss (CD 2) - Amduscia 2008 Madness In Abyss (CD 2) 7 00:28:04 VBR-221 41.04 Mb 1.12€
From Abuse To Apostasy - Amduscia 2006 From Abuse To Apostasy 11 00:57:33 256 105.54 Mb 1.96€
From Abuse To Apostasy - Deluxe Edition (CD 1) - Amduscia 2006 From Abuse To Apostasy - Deluxe Edition (CD 1) 11 00:57:33 320 131.94 Mb 2.09€
From Abuse To Apostasy - Deluxe Edition (CD 2: Musica De Ambientacion Demencial) - Amduscia 2006 From Abuse To Apostasy - Deluxe Edition (CD 2: Musica De Ambientacion Demencial) 8 00:33:32 320 76.94 Mb 1.42€
Dead Or Alive - Amduscia 2005 Dead Or Alive 7 00:42:38 320 97.71 Mb 1.4€
Impulso Biomecanico (Limited Edition) - Amduscia 2005 Impulso Biomecanico (Limited Edition) 5 00:25:18 320 58.03 Mb 0.94€
Melodies For The Devil - Amduscia 2003 Melodies For The Devil 10 01:02:32 192 86.07 Mb 1.73€
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