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Letter: T

  1. Wraith (USA, CA) (The Wraith)
    Wrath (USA) (The Wrath)
    Wrath Of Vesuvius (The Wrath Of Vesuvius)
    Wrath Project (The Wrath Project)
    Wreck Allstars (The Wreck Allstars)
    Wreck Kings (The Wreck Kings)
    Wreckers (The Wreckers)
    Wrens (The Wrens)
    Wretched End (The Wretched End)
    Wright Valley Trio (The Wright Valley Trio)
    Wright, Tony (Tony Wright, Andrew Wright, Anthony Wright)
    Wring (The Wring)
    Writhing Squares (The Writhing Squares)
    Written Years (The Written Years)
    WRLD (The WRLD / The WORLD)
    Wrong Object (The Wrong Object)
    Wrong Side (The Wrong Side)
    Wrong Turn (The Wrong Turn)
    Wurzels (The Wurzels, Adge Cutler & The Wurzels)
    Wylde Tryfles (The Wylde Tryfles)
    Wytches (The Wytches)
    X-Ray Harpoons (The X-Ray Harpoons)
    Xcerts (The Xcerts)
    Xperience (Tyler Andrews)
    xTheWarx (The War)
    XX (The XX)
    XXX (Triple X, Snowy Shaw)
    Y Axes (The Y Axes)
    Yacht Club (The Yacht Club)
    Yamashita Tomohisa (Tomohisa, Yamashita)
    Yann Tiersen (Tiersen, Yann Pierre)
    Yardbirds (The Yardbirds)
    Yasuharu Takanashi (Takanashi, Yasuharu)
    Yayhoos (The Yayhoos)
    Yeah Force (The Yeah Force)
    Yeah You's (The Yeah You's)
    Year Ends In Arson (The Year Ends In Arson)
    Year of our Lord (The Year of our Lord)
    Yleclipse (The Yleclipse)
    Yoshimatsu (Takashi Yoshimatsu)
    Young Dubliners (The Young Dubliners)
    Young Fables (The Young Fables)
    Young Fresh Fellows (The Young Fresh Fellows)
    Young Gods (The Young Gods)
    Young Jazz Rebels (The Young Jazz Rebels)
  2. Young Knives (The Young Knives)
    Young Lovers (The Young Lovers)
    Young Machetes (The Young Machetes)
    Young Mothers (The Young Mothers)
    Young Ones (The Young Ones)
    Young Professionals (The Young Professionals, The ¥oung Professionals, TYP, T¥P)
    Young Punx (The Young Punx)
    Young Rascals (The Young Rascals)
    Young Revelators (Tke Young Revelators)
    Young The Giant (The Jakes)
    Young Veins (The Young Veins)
    Young'uns (The Young'uns)
    Young, Terence (Terence Young / The Terence Young Experience)
    Youngbloods (The Youngbloods)
    Youth Lagoon (Trevor Powers)
    YTriple Corporation (The YTriple Corporation)
    Yummy Fur (The Yummy Fur)
    Yung Tee El (Toma Toes)
    Yung Trigg (Trigg Bambino)
    Yuri Honing (The Yuri Honing Trio / Yuri Honing Acoustic Quartet / Yuri Honing Wired Paradise)
    Yusuke Tsutsumi (Tsutsumi, Yusuke)
    Zap! (The Zap! (Benji Vaughan & Ron Rothfield))
    Zapoy! (The Zapoy!, Запой!)
    Zatopeks (The Zatopeks)
    Zeigeist (The Zeigeist)
    Zeit Zeit (Tommaso Cimo)
    Zen Circus (The Zen Circus)
    Zenith Complex (The Zenith Complex)
    Zephyr (MEX) (The Zephyr)
    Zephyr Bones (The Zephyr Bones)
    Zeresh (Tamar Singer)
    ZeroCrowd (Treachery (Fin) / Zero Crowd)
    Zeronaut (The Zeronaut)
    Zeta (The Zeta)
    Zico Chain (The Zico Chain)
    Zilverhill (Tim Bayes)
    Zipheads (The Zipheads)
    Zobux (The Zobux)
    Zolas (The Zolas)
    Zombies (The Zombies)
    Zorchmen (The Zorchmen)
    Zoup (The Zoup)
    Zukos (The Zukos)
    Zutons (The Zutons)
    Zwijsen, Thomas (Thomas Zwijsen)
  3. Zygar, Tania (Tania Zygar)
    Zygoma Disposal (The Zygoma Disposal, ex Buried In Blood)
    Бездна Анального Угнетения (The Abyss of Anal Oppression)
    Квіти Знедолених Берегів (The Flowers of Crestfallen Shores)
    Коля (The Kolya, The Коля, Коля Серга)
    Крыша (The Крыша)
    Небесная Река (The Heavenly River)
    Неподарки (The Неподарки)
    Паша Техник (Technique (RUS) / Павел Ивлев / Pavel Ivlev)
    Поезд Родина (Train Motherland)
    Потерянный Bек (The Lost Century)
    ТІК (TIK / Тик / Тверезість і Культура)
    Табула Раса (Tabula Rasa (UKR))
    Таис (Tais)
    Тайм-Аут (Taim Aut)
    Таймсквер (TAuMCKBEP)
    Тайны Затмения (Tajny Zatmeniya)
    Таліта Кум (Talita Kum)
    Таламус (Talamus)
    Тамерлан и Алена Омаргалиева (Tamerlan & Alena Omargalieva, Tamerlan and Alena Omargalieva)
    Тартак (Tartak, Тричi)
    ТаРута (TaRuta)
    Таршис (Tarshis)
    Тбили Тёплый (Tbili Tepliy)
    ТвояVina (TvoyaVina)
    Театр Теней (Teatr Teney)
    Темнозорь (Temnozor)
    Темнолесье (Temnolesie)
    Темперамент (Temperament)
    Техногенетика (Technogenetica)
    Технология (Technology)
    Тимати (Timati / Тимур Ильдарович Юнусов / Mr. Black Star)
    Тина Кароль (Tina Karol / Тіна Кароль / Татьяна Григорьевна Либерман)
    ТОЛ (TOL (UKR))
    ТрактирЪ (Traktir)
    Транс-Формер (Trans-Former)
    Триада (Triada)
    Тризна (Trizna)
    Тринадцатый Бубен (Trinadtsatiy Buben)
    Троллейбус (Trolleybus)
    Троя (Troy)
    ТурбоХой! (Turbohoi)
    Юркеш (the Yurcash)