Text for song:
Five hundred pound what a fucking fat dighead
So damn vile like a piggery fist-fuck
I touch his stomach to feel his fat
This guy's ready for my project
I hack off his melon head for my collection
I slice his stomach I know how that feels
He's not like the cemetery whore hes's much better
He smiles the potato man, fucking funny
Bludgeoning the flesh to make it soft
When I make me small I fit into his stomach
So that is the feeling for a baby before birth
In a way that feeling bores me
I want to find some funnier games
Isn't there any other thing i can do with a huge empty stomach?
I hack off hand and feet
Now I rip out the bones and sew the extremities up
Now I've got a full body clothing
Made of a five hundred pound lard ass
Its so easy to come in
The blood lets it slip on so easily
I've got to find a mirror
Oh fuck that looks funny
Even if its fucking heavy
This huge guy's body with my head hand and feet
I fall down laughing looks like I'll never again stand up by mainforce
Now I've got to eat my new clothes
Now I look like he did