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Your life is ending seconds at a time
You pay no mind to what�s behind
What did you think would happen now
This angry moment

Cry, cry, cry
Your life is ending seconds at a time
Can�t wait to see what seconds will define

And now you�re stuck, you stupid FUCK!
Don�t even try to find escape
This constant grieving

Die, die, die
Your life is ending seconds at a time
Can�t wait to see what seconds will define
Your life is ending

Great blinding pain
Coursing through my veins
I�m broken down inside

Your battered cage, you need to vent frustration
Your numbered days, your life is your destruction
I�m destroying all you�ve got
We�ll take you down like it or not

Your life is ending seconds at a time
Can�t wait to see what seconds will define